Veiling 48

4 November 2019 10:30 - 5 November 2019
Lose: 1806, Prebid: nein, Live-Auktion: ja
Als Fliesen|Als Liste
Alle|Mit Bildern

Los 1869

Los 1869
Æ Antoninianus (3.48 gm, 21.1mm). Londinium (London) mint. Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Pax standing left, holding branch and transverse sceptre; B-E//MLXXI. RIC V 118. VF.
Schätzung: € 60,00

Los 1870

Los 1870
Æ Antoninianus (3.48 gm, 21.1mm). Uncertain mint. Radiate and draped bust facing right / Pax standing left, holding a branch and a sceptre, RIC 885. Reverse roughness, VF.
Schätzung: € 50,00