Veiling 48

4 November 2019 10:30 - 5 November 2019
Lose: 1806, Prebid: nein, Live-Auktion: ja
Als Fliesen|Als Liste
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Los 2027

Los 2027
AV Histamenon Nomisma (4.42 gm, 28.1mm). Constantinople mint. Michael standing facing, holding labarum and akakia, between Constantius and Andronicus, each holding globus cruciger and akakia / Christ standing facing on footstool, crowning Romanus and Eudocia, each holding globus cruciger. DOC 1; SB 1859. VF.
Schätzung: € 280,00

Los 2028

Los 2028
AV Histamenon Nomisma (4.39 gm, 28.4mm). Constantinople mint. Michael standing facing, holding labarum and akakia, flanked by Constantius and Andronicus, each holding globus cruciger and akakia, standing on dotted exergual band / Christ standing on footstool, crowning Romanus and Eudocia, each wearing saccos and loros and holding globus cruciger; IC XC on either side of Christ’s head. DOC III 2; SB 1861. VF.
Schätzung: € 280,00