Veiling 55

8 Mai 2023 10:00 - 9 Mai 2023
Lose: 1678, Prebid: nein, Live-Auktion: ja
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Los 720

Los 720
AR Denarius (3.65 gm, 19.92 mm). Lugdunum mint. Struck 7-6 BC. CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE, laureate head right / AVGVSTI F COS DESIG PRINC IVVENT, Gaius and Lucius Caesars standing facing, each togate and holding spear with hand resting on shield between them; above, on left, simpulum right and, on right, lituus left; C L CAESARES in exergue. RIC 207; BMCRE 433; RSC 43c. Toned aEF.
Schätzung: € 150,00