Veiling 55

8 Mai 2023 10:00 - 9 Mai 2023
Lose: 1678, Prebid: nein, Live-Auktion: ja
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Los 936

Los 936
AV Solidus (4.32 gm, 19.19 mm). Constantinople mint. Struck 870/1. + IhS XPS REX REGNANTIVM*, Christ, nimbate, seated facing, wearing chiton, raising hand in benediction and holding Gospels / bASILIOS ET CONSTANT AVGG b, crowned facing busts of Basil, with short beard and loros, and Constantine, beardless and wearing chlamys, holding patriarchal cross between them. DOC 2c; Füeg 3.D.24; SB 1704. Clipped VF.
Schätzung: € 220,00

Los 937

Los 937
AE Follis (5.40 gm, 24.73 mm) Constantinople mint. Struck 868-870 AD / 5 lines tekst. SB 1710; Ratto 1862. VF.
Schätzung: € 40,00