Veiling 55

8 Mai 2023 10:00 - 9 Mai 2023
Lose: 1678, Prebid: nein, Live-Auktion: ja
Als Fliesen|Als Liste
Alle|Mit Bildern

Los 954

Los 954
AR Histamenon Nomisma (4.44 gm, 27.29 mm). Thessalonica mint. Struck 1081-1118. + KЄ RΘ AΛЄZ (reversed), bust of Christ facing, wearing nimbus crown, pallium and colobium, and holding book of Gospels with both hands; IC-XC across fields / St. Demetrius, on left, standing right, presenting labarum to Alexius on right; the saint is nimbate, wears military attire and holds sword in left hand; the emperor wears crown and loros, and grasps shaft of labarum with right hand; ΔI/MI/T/I on left, Δ/EC/Π/I/T/H to right. SB 1905. aEF.
Schätzung: € 250,00

Los 955

Los 955
AE Tetarteron (3.80 gm,18.64 mm) Thessalonica mint. Struck 1092-1118 AD / Patriarchal cross. SB 1931. gVF.
Schätzung: € 40,00

Los 956

Los 956
AE Tetarteron (1.79 gm, 15.09 mm) Thessalonica mint. Struck 1092-1118 AD / Patriarchal cross. SB 1932. gVF.
Schätzung: € 30,00