Veiling 57 en 58

6 Mai 2024 10:00 - 8 Mai 2024
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Als Fliesen|Als Liste

Los 1709

Los 1709
AR tetradrachm (9.54 gm) King on horseback to right. / Zeus Nicephorus standing right, holding Nike. Monogram to left and right. Mint: Taxila. MAC. - ; Hoover 639; Senior 105.652. gVF.
Schätzung: € 80,00

Los 1710

Los 1710
AR tetradrachm (9.35 gm) King on horseback to right. / Zeus Nicephorus standing right, holding Nike. Monogram to left and right. Mint: Taxila. MAC. - ; Hoover 639; Senior 105.656. gVF.
Schätzung: € 80,00

Los 1711

Los 1711
AR Drachm (2.29 gm). King on horseback to right / Athena standing facing, holding spear and shield. Monogram to left and right. Mint Pushkalavati. Hoover 651; Senior 96.42D. Rare. aXF.
Schätzung: € 80,00

Los 1712

Los 1712
AR Drachm (2.24 gm). King on horseback to right / Diademed Zeus to left, holding Nike. Monogram to left. Mint Taxila. Hoover 655; Senior 105.250D. VF.
Schätzung: € 40,00

Los 1713

Los 1713
Æ Hexa-chalkon (13.40 gm). Bull standing right, monogram above, Greek legend around / Lion standing r., monogram above, with ‘rajadirajasa’-legend in Kharosthi around. Pushkalavati. MAC. 2383+; Hoover 657; Senior 102; MIG 850;. gVF.
Schätzung: € 40,00

Los 1714

Los 1714
Azes (I), 57-35 BC. AR Tetradrachm (9.64 gm), Scythian king advancing on horseback to r. with lowered spear, Greek legend around / Goddess standing l., holding lotus and filleted palm branch. Taxila Sirsukh. Senior 82.203T, with Kharosthi ‘Sa’ added to left monogram; MIG 743e; Hoover 627. Well centred specimen, very attractive, rare variety. XF.
Schätzung: € 150,00

Los 1715

Los 1715
AR Drachm (2.14 gm), Amoghabhuti. Deer to right facing Lakshmi, holding flower in upraised hand, Brahmi legend around / Centrally placed six-arched hill with Nandipada on top, with swastika and Indra-dhvaja l. and tree in railing r., Kharosthi legend around. MAC. 4440+; MIG.929; Hoover 850; AICR 1144. gVF.
Schätzung: € 60,00

Los 1716

Los 1716
Scyphate AV Dinara (7.36 gm), NM (Balkh). King standing left; wearing a crenelated crown with a globe on top between two broad ribbons Standing before a small altar on the left, above trident with ribbons; holding trident in left hand. Tamga (S 82) in right field; various additional by-marks. Bactrian legend around: ‘bio kidaro oozorko košhano šao’ (= Lord Kidara, Prince, Kushan King) / Oesho (Shiva) standing in front of a bull (always unclear), holding trident. Vondrovec( 2014) type 84; Göbl(1984) Em. 735; MAC 1314; Joe Cribb: The Kidarites, The Numismatic Evidence, in Coins Art and Chronology (2010), p.91-146, fig.15. Obverse beautifully well struck, XF.
Schätzung: € 900,00

Los 1717

Los 1717
Anonymous Kidarite Kushan-style AV Dinara (7,86 gm). Nimbate king standing left, sacrificing over altar and holding standard; KiDaRa monogram in inner right field / Ardoxsho, nimbate, seated facing on throne. Göbl 617; MAC 3695+; Friedberg 55b. XF.
Schätzung: € 400,00

Los 1718

Los 1718
Kushan-style AV Dinara (7.78 gm). King standing facing left, holding trident, Brahmi characters across the field: right field ‘KuShaNa’; beneath arm ‘KiDaRa’; left ‘KaPaN’ / Goddess Ardoxsho enthroned facing, ‘ala’ in Brahmi to right. Göbl 615; MAC 3618; Fr. 55a. XF.
Schätzung: € 500,00

Los 1719

Los 1719
Punjab-Kanauj Kushan-style electrum dinara (7.64 gm). Formalized Kushan standing king / Semi-realistic portrayal of enthroned Goddess Ardoxsho, legend Sri Vinaya-ditya / Jayati. Joe Cribb: Early Medieval Kashmir Coinage (Numismatic Digest, vol. 40) #32; MAC 3656+; Fr. 234. Bold strike. XF.
Schätzung: € 150,00

Los 1720

Los 1720
Kushan-style AV Dinara (7.77 gm). Formalized Kushan standing king. / Semi-realistic portrayal of enthroned Goddess Ardoxsho, legend ‘Sri Vinaya-ditya / Jayati’. Joe Cribb: Early Medieval Kashmir Coinage (Numismatic Digest 40) #32; MAC 3656+; Fr. 234. aXF.
Schätzung: € 180,00

Los 1721

Los 1721
Kushan-style debased AV dinara (7.26 gm). Formalized Kushan standing king. / Semi-realistic portrayal of enthroned Goddess Ardoxsho, legend ‘Sri Vinaya-ditya / Jayati’. Joe Cribb: Early Medieval Kashmir Coinage (Numismatic Digest 40) #32; MAC 3660+; Fr. 234. aXF.
Schätzung: € 120,00

Los 1722

Los 1722
Lot (5) Æ Didrachm (٨.٥١ gm). King, standing facing, head left, sacrificing over altar / Helios (God of the Sun) standing to left, ΗΛΙοS on right. Göbl 766; MAC 3065; Pieper (20121) 1748. aVF; Æ Drachm (٤.٦٨ gm). King, standing facing, sacrificing over altar / Mao (Mithra) standing to left, tamgha in front, ΜΑΟ to right. Göbl 802; MAC 3163. VF; Æ Drachm (7.74 gm). Late phase, with nandipada, King standing left, sacrificing at altar, trident standard behind / Siva (Oesho) standing facing, holding trident and diadem, the bull Nandi standing behind. Taxila/Peshawar series. Göbl 1004; MAC 3471+. VF; Æ Tetradrachm (10.08 gm) Early period, King standing left, sacrificing at altar, trident standard behind / Siva (Oesho) standing facing, the bull Nandi standing behind. Taxila series. Göbl 1000; MAC 3419; Pieper (2021) 1811. VF; Æ Chalkous (3.56 gm) Gandharahan series, Bust to right / Fire altar. MAC 1286; Pieper (2021) 1966 VF/F.
Schätzung: € 80,00

Los 1723

Los 1723
Lot (3) Æ Tetradrachm (8.47 gm) Æ Drachm (2.16 gm). Bust to right / King on horseback with 3-pronged tamgha on obv & rev. Attractively toned, gVF.
Schätzung: € 50,00

Los 1724

Los 1724
Lot (4) Æ Drachm. Bull right with nandipada over and Na before bull, corrupt greek legend: BVΠNEI BVΠNEINNΔooY. Rev: Bactrian Camel with karosthi sign in front, karosthi legend: Maharajasa Rajatirajasa Devaputrasa Vema Takha? (titles the same as on Kujulas coins, the last 5 karosthi aksaras vary). Senior B12.1; Pieper (2021) 1730. Lot of 4 coins, showing different parts of the legend. VF.
Schätzung: € 50,00