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6 Mai 2024 10:00 - 8 Mai 2024
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Los 1711

Los 1711
AR Drachm (2.29 gm). King on horseback to right / Athena standing facing, holding spear and shield. Monogram to left and right. Mint Pushkalavati. Hoover 651; Senior 96.42D. Rare. aXF.
Schätzung: € 80,00

Los 1712

Los 1712
AR Drachm (2.24 gm). King on horseback to right / Diademed Zeus to left, holding Nike. Monogram to left. Mint Taxila. Hoover 655; Senior 105.250D. VF.
Schätzung: € 40,00

Los 1713

Los 1713
Æ Hexa-chalkon (13.40 gm). Bull standing right, monogram above, Greek legend around / Lion standing r., monogram above, with ‘rajadirajasa’-legend in Kharosthi around. Pushkalavati. MAC. 2383+; Hoover 657; Senior 102; MIG 850;. gVF.
Schätzung: € 40,00

Los 1714

Los 1714
Azes (I), 57-35 BC. AR Tetradrachm (9.64 gm), Scythian king advancing on horseback to r. with lowered spear, Greek legend around / Goddess standing l., holding lotus and filleted palm branch. Taxila Sirsukh. Senior 82.203T, with Kharosthi ‘Sa’ added to left monogram; MIG 743e; Hoover 627. Well centred specimen, very attractive, rare variety. XF.
Schätzung: € 150,00

Los 1715

Los 1715
AR Drachm (2.14 gm), Amoghabhuti. Deer to right facing Lakshmi, holding flower in upraised hand, Brahmi legend around / Centrally placed six-arched hill with Nandipada on top, with swastika and Indra-dhvaja l. and tree in railing r., Kharosthi legend around. MAC. 4440+; MIG.929; Hoover 850; AICR 1144. gVF.
Schätzung: € 60,00

Los 1716

Los 1716
Scyphate AV Dinara (7.36 gm), NM (Balkh). King standing left; wearing a crenelated crown with a globe on top between two broad ribbons Standing before a small altar on the left, above trident with ribbons; holding trident in left hand. Tamga (S 82) in right field; various additional by-marks. Bactrian legend around: ‘bio kidaro oozorko košhano šao’ (= Lord Kidara, Prince, Kushan King) / Oesho (Shiva) standing in front of a bull (always unclear), holding trident. Vondrovec( 2014) type 84; Göbl(1984) Em. 735; MAC 1314; Joe Cribb: The Kidarites, The Numismatic Evidence, in Coins Art and Chronology (2010), p.91-146, fig.15. Obverse beautifully well struck, XF.
Schätzung: € 900,00

Los 1717

Los 1717
Anonymous Kidarite Kushan-style AV Dinara (7,86 gm). Nimbate king standing left, sacrificing over altar and holding standard; KiDaRa monogram in inner right field / Ardoxsho, nimbate, seated facing on throne. Göbl 617; MAC 3695+; Friedberg 55b. XF.
Schätzung: € 400,00

Los 1718

Los 1718
Kushan-style AV Dinara (7.78 gm). King standing facing left, holding trident, Brahmi characters across the field: right field ‘KuShaNa’; beneath arm ‘KiDaRa’; left ‘KaPaN’ / Goddess Ardoxsho enthroned facing, ‘ala’ in Brahmi to right. Göbl 615; MAC 3618; Fr. 55a. XF.
Schätzung: € 500,00

Los 1719

Los 1719
Punjab-Kanauj Kushan-style electrum dinara (7.64 gm). Formalized Kushan standing king / Semi-realistic portrayal of enthroned Goddess Ardoxsho, legend Sri Vinaya-ditya / Jayati. Joe Cribb: Early Medieval Kashmir Coinage (Numismatic Digest, vol. 40) #32; MAC 3656+; Fr. 234. Bold strike. XF.
Schätzung: € 150,00

Los 1720

Los 1720
Kushan-style AV Dinara (7.77 gm). Formalized Kushan standing king. / Semi-realistic portrayal of enthroned Goddess Ardoxsho, legend ‘Sri Vinaya-ditya / Jayati’. Joe Cribb: Early Medieval Kashmir Coinage (Numismatic Digest 40) #32; MAC 3656+; Fr. 234. aXF.
Schätzung: € 180,00

Los 1721

Los 1721
Kushan-style debased AV dinara (7.26 gm). Formalized Kushan standing king. / Semi-realistic portrayal of enthroned Goddess Ardoxsho, legend ‘Sri Vinaya-ditya / Jayati’. Joe Cribb: Early Medieval Kashmir Coinage (Numismatic Digest 40) #32; MAC 3660+; Fr. 234. aXF.
Schätzung: € 120,00

Los 1722

Los 1722
Lot (5) Æ Didrachm (٨.٥١ gm). King, standing facing, head left, sacrificing over altar / Helios (God of the Sun) standing to left, ΗΛΙοS on right. Göbl 766; MAC 3065; Pieper (20121) 1748. aVF; Æ Drachm (٤.٦٨ gm). King, standing facing, sacrificing over altar / Mao (Mithra) standing to left, tamgha in front, ΜΑΟ to right. Göbl 802; MAC 3163. VF; Æ Drachm (7.74 gm). Late phase, with nandipada, King standing left, sacrificing at altar, trident standard behind / Siva (Oesho) standing facing, holding trident and diadem, the bull Nandi standing behind. Taxila/Peshawar series. Göbl 1004; MAC 3471+. VF; Æ Tetradrachm (10.08 gm) Early period, King standing left, sacrificing at altar, trident standard behind / Siva (Oesho) standing facing, the bull Nandi standing behind. Taxila series. Göbl 1000; MAC 3419; Pieper (2021) 1811. VF; Æ Chalkous (3.56 gm) Gandharahan series, Bust to right / Fire altar. MAC 1286; Pieper (2021) 1966 VF/F.
Schätzung: € 80,00

Los 1723

Los 1723
Lot (3) Æ Tetradrachm (8.47 gm) Æ Drachm (2.16 gm). Bust to right / King on horseback with 3-pronged tamgha on obv & rev. Attractively toned, gVF.
Schätzung: € 50,00

Los 1724

Los 1724
Lot (4) Æ Drachm. Bull right with nandipada over and Na before bull, corrupt greek legend: BVΠNEI BVΠNEINNΔooY. Rev: Bactrian Camel with karosthi sign in front, karosthi legend: Maharajasa Rajatirajasa Devaputrasa Vema Takha? (titles the same as on Kujulas coins, the last 5 karosthi aksaras vary). Senior B12.1; Pieper (2021) 1730. Lot of 4 coins, showing different parts of the legend. VF.
Schätzung: € 50,00

Los 1725

Los 1725
Bilingual Æ Tetradrachm (17.08 gm). Main mint in Begram. BACIΛЄYC BACIΛЄωN CωThP MЄΓAC OOHMO KAΔΦICHC, Vima Kadphises standing facing, head left, sacrificing over altar; trident to left, tamgha and club to right / Shiva standing facing, holding trident; behind, the bull Nandi standing right, Nandipada to left. Kharosthi legend around. A reasonable well centred example with much of the legend on obv. and rev. visible. Rare in this condition. Göbl 762; MAC 3035; Pieper (2021) 1743. gVF.
Schätzung: € 60,00

Los 1726

Los 1726
AV Dinar (7.96 gm). Mint A. 2nd emission. ÞAONANOÞAO KA NhÞKI KOÞANO, Kanishka, diademed and crowned, standing facing, head left, sacrificing over altar and holding goad and sceptre; flame at shoulder / NANA, Nana nimbate, wearing fillet and crescent, standing right, holding sceptre in right hand, box in left; tamgha to right. Göbl type 35; Rosenfield 134; Fr. 14; ZENO 323603. Highest state of preservation. XF-UNC.
Schätzung: € 2.000,00