Veiling 45

23 april 2018 10:30 - 24 april 2018
Lots: 1796, Prebid: no, Live Auction: yes
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Lot 2039

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Münzen und Städte Phrygiens, Teil I. (Istanbuler Mitteilungen, Beiheft 25). Tübingen 1980. 155 p., 30 pl. Paper covers.
Estimate: € 25,00

Lot 2040

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Münzen und Städte Pisidiens, Teil I & II. (Istanbuler Mitteilungen, Beihefte 19 & 22). Tübingen 1977/1979. 138 & 186 p., 36 & 51 pl. Paper covers.
Estimate: € 45,00

Lot 2041

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Münzen und Städte Lykaoniens (Istanbuler Mitteilungen, Beiheft 16). Tübingen 1976. 95 p., 12 pl. Paper covers.
Estimate: € 25,00

Lot 2042

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Die Münzprägungen des Gordian III und der Tranquillina in Lykion. (Istanbuler Mitteilungen, Beiheft 11). Tübingen 1974. 91 p., map and 19 loose plates. Paper covers.
Estimate: € 25,00

Lot 2043

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Boutin, S.: Catalogue des monnaies grecques antiques de l’ancienne collection Pozzi: Monnaies frappées en Europe. (2 vols., text and separate plates). Card covers. (1970)
Estimate: € 20,00

Lot 2044

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Volume 3 : Thrace, etc. 286 p., illustrated.
Estimate: € 30,00

Lot 2045

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Volume 10: Peloponnesus excl. Corinth. (294 pages, xxxvvii plates)
Estimate: € 30,00

Lot 2046

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Volume 11: Attica, Megaris, Aegina (243 pages, xxvi plates)
Estimate: € 30,00

Lot 2047

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Volume 13: Pontus, Paphlagonia, Bithynia and the Kingdom of Bosporus (296 pages, xxxix plates)
Estimate: € 30,00

Lot 2048

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Volume 15: Mysia (252 pages, xxxv plates, 1 geographical map)
Estimate: € 30,00

Lot 2049

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Volume 19: Lycia, Pamphylia and Pisidia (475 pages, vil plates, 1 geographical map)
Estimate: € 30,00

Lot 2050

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Volume 21: Lycaonia, Isauria and Cilicia (427 pages, xl plates, 1 geographical map)
Estimate: € 30,00

Lot 2051

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Allan J.: Coins of Ancient India. 1967 Oxford reprint (1936). clxvii, 317 p., xlvi pl. Hardback.
Estimate: € 25,00

Lot 2052

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Allan, J.: Gupta Dynasties. 1967 Oxford reprint (1914).cxxxvii, 184 p., xxiv pl. Hardback.
Estimate: € 25,00

Lot 2053

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Rapson, E. J.: Coins of the Andhra Dynasty, the western Ksatrapas, the Traikutaka Dynasty and the “Bohdi” Dynasty. 1967 Oxford reprint (1908). ccvii, 268 p., xxi pl. Hardback.
Estimate: € 25,00

Lot 2054

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Walker, John: Volume II. Arab-Byzantine and Post-reform Umaiyad Coins. London 1956. civ, 322 p., 31 pl. Hardback.
Estimate: € 25,00