Veiling 45

23 april 2018 10:30 - 24 april 2018
Lots: 1796, Prebid: no, Live Auction: yes

Lot 2080

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Lot (2) Lange, K.: Münzkunst des Mittelalters, Leipzig 1942; Metcalf, D. M.: The Coinage of South Germany in the thirteenth century, London 1961.
Estimate: € 15,00

Lot 2081

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Lot (4) Plant, R.: Arabic Coins and how to read them (1980?); Berman, A.: Islamic Coins. 1976 exhibition, L. A. Mayer Memorial Institute for Islamic Art; Bacharach, J. L.: A Middle East Studies Handbook (1984); Stanley Lane Poole: Coins of the Urtuki Turkumans (foes of the Crusaders), reprint of 1875 edition.
Estimate: € 25,00

Lot 2082

No image available
Lot (4) Patalas, W.: Chinesische Münzen von ihrem Ursprung bis 1912 (1965); Remmelts, A. A.: Chinesische Kaschmünzen; Mandel, E. J.: Cast Coinage of Korea (Wisconsin 1972); The China Journal, vol. IX, Shanghai 1928, includes “The minted ten-cash pieces of Hupei Province” by Tracey Woodward (8 pages, 2 pl.).
Estimate: € 30,00

Lot 2083

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Lot (2) Valentine, W. H.: The Copper Coins of India, part 1: Bengal and the United Provinces (London 1914); Reprint 1971 of parts I and II.
Estimate: € 20,00