Sammlung Petrowicz : Arsaciden-Münzen, Katalog. Graz reprint (1904). vi, 206 p., xxv pl. Hardback.
More...Estimate: € 15,00
Lot (2) Valentine, W. H.: The Copper Coins of India, part 1: Bengal and the United Provinces (London 1914); Reprint 1971 of parts I and II.
More...Estimate: € 15,00
Lot (3) Krause Standard Catalog World Coins 1701-1800 (5th ed.); 1801-1900 (6th ed.); 1901-2000 (38th ed.). In good condition.
More...Estimate: € 15,00
Denmark, Copenhagen, The Royal Collection.- vol. 2 Thrace and Macedonia. 1982 reprint of the first edition.
More...Estimate: € 20,00
- part VIII: Syria-Nabathaea. London, 1971.
More...Estimate: € 15,00
Lot (6) Diverse boeken, o.a. C. Scholten overzee, Zonnebloem 1 + 2 etc.
More...Estimate: € 25,00