Lot (9) gebruikt bankpapier, o.a. 20 Gulden Emma en 20 Gulden Boerhaave.
More...Estimate: € 100,00
Lot (3) 10 Gulden 1953 en 2 ½ Gulden 1949 (2). PL 45, PL 17. Vrijwel UNC.
More...Estimate: € 30,00
Lot (3) 10 Gulden 1953 Hugo de Groot [# EAN 067612]; [# EAN 067621]; [# EAN 067626]. PL 45. Vrijwel UNC.
More...Estimate: € 75,00
Lot (3) 5 Gulden 1973 [# 0021136797] en 5 Euro 2002 (2) [# P00401194612]; [# P00401194603]. PL 23a. Vrijwel UNC.
More...Estimate: € 30,00
Houten cassette divers NL, w.o. fantasiegeld, zilverbonnen, etc.
More...Estimate: € 50,00
Rood Importa-album met kleine restcollectie diverse bankbiljetten.
More...Estimate: € 200,00
Aardige collectie bankpapier van vroege zilverbon tot duizend guldenbiljet. Het bekijken waard!
More...Estimate: € 2.500,00
5 Rupees SH1298, without counterfoil. P. 2a. VF.
More...Estimate: € 10,00
5 Florin 1986. P. 1 [# 0002092536]. Almost Unc.
More...Estimate: € 20,00
Lot (13) Hutt River Province. 10 Cents (3); 20 Cents (2); 50 Cents (2); 1$ (3); 2$ (3). Almost Unc.
More...Estimate: € 20,00
Lot (2) 10 Dollars n.d. (1988) Cook Comm. P. 49a. Added: 5 Dollars (19)95. Almost Unc.
More...Estimate: € 25,00
1 Pound n.d. (1930) George V, Law of 1919. P. 7 [# A1-167895]. PMG 20-VF.
More...Estimate: € 300,00
½ Dollar n.d. Law of 1965. P. 17a [# A 881 803]. Almost Unc.
More...Estimate: € 25,00
Lot (6) 500 Fr. 1941 (P. 109); 50 Fr. 1948 (P. 133a); 1 Fr. 1920 (P. 92); 200 Fr. (1995) (P. 148); 500 Fr. (1998) (P. 149). Added: 2 Frank 1916 Stadsbon-Antwerpen. VF – Unc.
More...Estimate: € 40,00
Lot (4) 20 Fr. 1964 (P. 138); 50 Fr. 1966 (P. 139); 100 Fr. n.d. (1995-2004) (P. 147a). Added: Kasbon Limburg-Maas-Eisden; kolenmijnen 50 Francs (uniface). VF – Unc.
More...Estimate: € 10,00
1 Dollar 01-06-1970. P. 28c [# G5-799735]. Almost Unc.
More...Estimate: € 100,00