Veiling 55

8 may 2023 10:00 - 9 may 2023
Lots: 1678, Prebid: no, Live Auction: yes
As tiles|As list

Lot 1258

Lot 1258
Lot (8) 1.000 Escudos 1953 en 100 Escudo 1961. Pick 105; 109. Toegevoegd 4 x 1 Lira Cyprus. Fine and better.
Estimate: € 15,00

Lot 1259

Lot 1259
Lot (15) Democratic Peoples Republic Korean Central Bank. 1 Won t/m 5000 Won. Diverse jaartallen (1978 t/m 2006). Pick 18b; 19; 20; 21 (2); 22; 42; 43; 45 (2); 46 (2); 55 (2); 60. Fine and better.
Estimate: € 75,00

Lot 1260

Lot 1260
Lot (19) groot lot Filipijnen, diverse jaartallen en denominaties. Pick 53; 81; 82; 94; 98; 133 t/m 139; 140; S316; S317; S318; S329; S646. Fine and better.
Estimate: € 40,00

Lot 1261

Lot 1261
Lot (50) stuks verschillende denominaties van 5 t/m 100.000 Zlotych. Fine and better.
Estimate: € 30,00

Lot 1262

Lot 1262
Lot (6) 500 Escudos (4); 500 Reis. Pick 105; 170; 177. Toegevoegd: 5 Frank 1942 Switzerland. Pick 11. Fine and better.
Estimate: € 25,00

Lot 1263

Lot 1263
Lot (10) 20 en 100 Lei 1924, 500 Lei 1934 en 1.000 Lei 1994 (7). Pick 20; 21; 36; 105 (7). Toegevoegd 10 Karbowanez 1942 Ukraine. Pick 52. Fine and better.
Estimate: € 30,00

Lot 1264

Lot 1264
Lot (19) 1 Pound (12), 5 Pounds en 1 t/m 50 Rand. Pick 84; 92 (5); 93 (6); 97; 115; 117; 219; 120; 122. Fine and better.
Estimate: € 30,00

Lot 1265

Lot 1265
Lot (9) Republic Bank of Korea. Diverse denominaties en jaartallen. Pick 28; 29; 30; 39; 43; 44; 45; 51; 52. Fine and better.
Estimate: € 10,00

Lot 1266

Lot 1266
Lot (41) 5 Pesetas (2), 100 Pesetas (1), 1.000 Pesetas (24), 2.000 Pesetas (8) en 5.000 Pesetas. Diverse jaartallen. O.a. Pick 69; 85; 143 (2); 149 (2); 151 (2); 154 (2); 155 (2); 158 (7); 159; 160 (2); 163 t/m 165. Fine and better.
Estimate: € 225,00

Lot 1267

Lot 1267
Lot (8) 25, 100 en 500 Pounds. Pick 89; 91; 96 (6). Fine and better.
Estimate: € 75,00

Lot 1268

Lot 1268
Lot (17) met bankbiljetten van verschillende jaartallen en denominaties m.b.t. bovenstaande landen.Pick 26; 30; 31; 38; 39 / Pick 15; 16 / P19; 27; 163 t/m 166; 169 t/m 171; 185. Fine and better.
Estimate: € 75,00

Lot 1269

Lot 1269
Lot (7) Yugoslavia 100 Dinara (3), 1.000 Dinara (4). Pick 27 (3); 29 (4). Bulgary 2.000 Leva. Pick 107 (5). Fine and better.
Estimate: € 25,00