Veiling 55

8 may 2023 10:00 - 9 may 2023
Lots: 1678, Prebid: no, Live Auction: yes

Lot 1210

Lot 1210
Lot (23) 100, 1.000, 5.000 Escudos. Pick 95 (4); 96 (2); 97; 98 (2); 102 (5); 103 (7); 108 (2). Fine and better.
Estimate: € 75,00

Lot 1211

Lot 1211
Lot (6) Reserve Bank 1973; 1984 issue. 1, 2, 5, 20 en 50 Dollar. Pick 42; 43; 44 (2); 46; 50. Fine and better.
Estimate: € 35,00

Lot 1212

Lot 1212
Lot (35) Diverse jaartallen en denominaties van Oostenrijk. O.a. Pick 138; 139; 141; 145; 147; 150. Fine and better.
Estimate: € 125,00

Lot 1213

Lot 1213
Lot (40) Diverse jaartallen en denominaties van Oostenrijk. O.a. Pick 134; 138; 139; 141; 145; 147. Fine and better.
Estimate: € 125,00

Lot 1214

Lot 1214
Lot (9) Mixed lot van bovengenoemde landen. Bahama’s 1 Dollar 1968, 1974; ½ Dollar 1974 / Barbados 1 Dollar, 10 Dollar n.d. / Belize 1 Dollar 1976, 1986; 5 Dollar 2005. Pick 27; 42; 43 / 29 (2); 33 / 33; 46; 67. Fine and better.
Estimate: € 50,00

Lot 1215

Lot 1215
50 Francs / 10 Belgas 1-3-1927. Pick 99 [# 001.Q.752]. Ruim fraai.
Estimate: € 100,00

Lot 1216

Lot 1216
5.000 Francs n.d. (1982-1992). Pick 145 [# 70201310551]. Zeer fraai.
Estimate: € 100,00

Lot 1217

Lot 1217
Leuk lot België (25). Diverse denominaties en jaartallen. Goed nazien!
Estimate: € 150,00

Lot 1218

Lot 1218
Lot (5) 5 Shillings, 1, 5 (2), 10 Pounds. Pick 2; 3; 6 (2); 7. Fine.
Estimate: € 25,00

Lot 1219

Lot 1219
Lot (18) Diverse denominaties en jaartallen Canada. Pick 75 (5); 76; 77; 79; 84; 85; 86 (2); 88; 92 (2); 94 (2); 102A. Fine and better.
Estimate: € 100,00

Lot 1220

Lot 1220
Lot (11) Bank of Canada, 1937 issue. 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 & 100 Dollars. Toegevoegd 25 Cents 1900; 25 Cents 1923 (2) en 10 Dollars 1927. Pick 9; 11 (2); 58 (2); 60; 61; 62; 63; 64; S1384. Fine and better.
Estimate: € 250,00

Lot 1221

Lot 1221
Lot (4) Bermuda Government 10 Shillings 1957. Pick 19b. British Caribbean Territories 1 Dollar 1964; 2 Dollars 1957. Pick 7c, 8b. British Honduras 1 Dollar 1970. Pick 28c. Fine and better.
Estimate: € 40,00

Lot 1222

Lot 1222
Lot (12) Provincial Bank of Kwangtung Province and Kwangtung Provincial Bank. 1918 Exchange notes issue 1 Dollar, 5 Dollars, 10 Dollars, 50 Dollars and 100 Dollars. 1931 local currency issue 1, 5, 10 Dollars.Pick S2401 (2); S2402; S2403 (2); S2404; S2405; S2421; S2422; 2423; 2437; S2443. Fine and better.
Estimate: € 30,00

Lot 1223

Lot 1223
Lot (15) Foreign exchange certificate Bank of China 1 t/m 100 Yuan. Toegevoegd 1 Dollar 1920 Tientsin – Chihli en 5 Dollars 1929 Kwangsi (2). Pick FX 3 t/m FX9; Pick S1263; S2340 (2). Fine and better.
Estimate: € 30,00

Lot 1224

Lot 1224
Lot (5) 5 Yuan 1933 Charhar Bank; 10 Yuan 1940 Central reserve Bank; 500 Yuan 1943. Pick J12; J24; J25; J26; S856. Fine and better.
Estimate: € 25,00

Lot 1225

Lot 1225
Lot (11) Chinese Administration of Taiwan Republic of China - Taiwan Bank. 50 Yuan t/m 1000 Yuan. Diverse jaartallen (1970-1991). Pick 1981; 1982 (2); 1983( 2); 1985; 1988; 1989 (3); 1991. Fine and better.
Estimate: € 80,00