Veiling 48

4 november 2019 10:30 - 5 november 2019
Kavels: 1806, Prebid: nee, Live Veiling: ja

Kavel 1721

Kavel 1721
AR Cistophorus (12.02 gm, 26.5mm). Ephesus mint. Struck 25-20 BC. Bare head right / Six grain ears tied in a bundle. RIC I 481; Sutherland Group VIb; RPC I 2214; RSC 32b. A few scratches around obverse edge, gVF.
Taxatie: € 450,00

Kavel 1722

Kavel 1722
AR Denarius (3.83 gm, 18mm,). Lugdunum (Lyon) mint. Struck 15 BC. Bare head right / IMP • X across field, ACT in exergue, Apollo Citharoedus of Actium, standing left, holding plectrum and lyre. RIC I 171a; Lyon 28; RSC 144. VF.
Taxatie: € 120,00

Kavel 1723

Kavel 1723
AR Denarius (3.80 gm, 18.8mm). Lugdunum (Lyon) mint. Struck 2 BC-12 AD. Laureate head right / Caius and Lucius Caesars standing facing, two shields and two spears between them; above, on left, simpulum right, and on right, lituus left. RIC I 207; Lyon 82; RSC 43. Obverse banker’s marks. aVF.
Taxatie: € 80,00

Kavel 1724

Kavel 1724
AR Quinarius (1.71 gm, 14.9mm). Uncertain Italian or Ephesus mint. Struck 29-28 BC. Bare head right / Victory standing left on cista mystica, holding wreath and palm frond; coiled serpent to left and right. RIC I 276; King 1; RSC 14. VF.
Taxatie: € 80,00

Kavel 1725

Kavel 1725
Æ Quadrans (3.02 gm, 15.6mm). Rome mint, Struck 5 BC. P. Betilienus Bassus, moneyer. III VIR AAA FF, garlanded altar / P BETILIENVS BASSVS, around S·C. RIC 465; BMCRE 265. VF.
Taxatie: € 30,00

Kavel 1726

Kavel 1726
Æ As (12.22 gm, 24.1mm). Struck 9/8-3 BC. Nemausus mint. Head of Agrippa left, wearing rostral crown, and head of Augustus right, wearing oak wreath, back to back / Chained crocodile standing right; palm and filleted wreath behind; palms on either side of stem base. RPC I 524; RIC I 158. VF.
Taxatie: € 100,00

Kavel 1727

Kavel 1727
Æ Dupondius (13.60 gm, 27.9mm). Rome mint. Struck under Tiberius, 22-23 AD. IVSTITIA, diademed and draped bust of Julia Augusta (Livia) as Justitia right / Legend around large S • C. RIC I 46 (Tiberius). Obverse scratch, VF.
Taxatie: € 150,00

Kavel 1728

Kavel 1728
Æ As (10.45 gm, 26.2mm). Restitution issue. Rome mint. Struck under Titus, 80-81 AD. Bare head left / Legend around large S • C. RIC II 437 (Titus); Komnick 24.0. gF.
Taxatie: € 80,00

Kavel 1729

Kavel 1729
AR Denarius (3.72 gm, 18.3mm). “Tribute Penny” type. Lugdunum (Lyon) mint. Laureate head right; one ribbon on shoulder / Livia, as Pax, seated right, holding sceptre and olive branch, feet on footstool; ornate chair legs, single line below. RIC I 30; Lyon 150; RSC 16a. Small test in obvese field, VF.
Taxatie: € 140,00

Kavel 1730

Kavel 1730
AR Denarius (3.61 gm, 19mm). Lugdunum (Lyon) mint. Struck 37 AD. Bare head of Gaius (Caligula) right / Radiate head of Divus Augustus right, between two stars. RIC I 2; Lyon 157; RSC 11. Reverse scratch, F.
Taxatie: € 300,00

Kavel 1731

Kavel 1731
Æ Dupondius (11.19 gm, 28.4mm). Rome mint. Struck under Claudius, AD 41-42. Draped bust right, wearing hair in long plait / Claudius, veiled and togate, standing left, holding simpulum. RIC I 92 (Claudius); von Kaenel Type 59. VF.
Taxatie: € 200,00

Kavel 1732

Kavel 1732
AR Denarius (3.74 gm, 19.2mm). Lugdunum (Lyon) mint. Struck 41-42 AD. Laureate head right / EX • S • C/ OB • CIVES/ SERVATOS in three lines within oak wreath. RIC I 16; von Kaenel Type 8; Lyon 17; RSC 35. VF.
Taxatie: € 500,00

Kavel 1733

Kavel 1733
Æ As (12.95 gm, 28.5mm). Rome mint. Struck 42-43 AD. Bare head left / Libertas standing right, holding pileus and extending left hand. RIC I 113. VF.
Taxatie: € 100,00

Kavel 1734

Kavel 1734
Æ Quadrans (2.91 gm, 17.6mm). Rome mint. Struck 41 AD. Hand left, holding scales; PNR below / Legend around S C. RIC I 85. VF.
Taxatie: € 40,00

Kavel 1735

Kavel 1735
AR Denarius (3.45 gm, 18.8mm). Rome mint. Struck 51 AD. Laureate head of Claudius right / Bareheaded and draped bust of young Nero left. RIC I 83; RSC 5. Deep obverse scratch, reverse roughness around edge, otherwise VF.
Taxatie: € 200,00

Kavel 1736

Kavel 1736
Fourée (?) Denarius (2.69 gm, 18.1mm). Rome mint. Struck under Nero, circa October-December 54 AD. Laureate head left / Ornamental slow quadriga right, surmounted by four miniature horses flanked by Victories. RIC I 5 (Nero); RSC 32. Rare. Porous, gF.
Taxatie: € 200,00
