AV Solidus (4.47 gm, 20.98 mm). Constantinople mint. Struck 498-518. D N ANASTASIVS P P AVG, helmeted and cuirassed bust three-quarters facing, holding spear over right shoulder and shield with horseman motif / VICTORIA AVCCC Є, Victory standing facing, head to left, holding long staff surmounted by reversed staurogram; star in left field, CONOB in exergue. MIBE 7; DOC 7g; SB 5. Obverse die break, gEF.
Meer...Taxatie: € 350,00

AV Solidus (4.50 gm, 21.19 mm). Constantinople mint. 518-527. D N IVSTINVS P P AVG, helmeted, cuirassed bust facing, shield with horseman device on left shoulder, spear across right shoulder / VICTORIA AVGGG Γ, angel standing facing holding long cross in right hand, globus cruciger in left hand; star in right field, CONOB in exergue. SB 56; DOC 2; MIBE 3. EF.
Meer...Taxatie: € 300,00

AV Solidus (4.50 gm, 21.27 mm). Constantinople mint. Struck 527-538. D N IVSTINIANVS P P AVG, helmeted, cuirassed bust three-quarters facing, shield with horseman device on left shoulder, spear across right shoulder / VICTORIA AVGGG I, angel standing facing holding long cross in right hand, globus cruciger in left hand; star in right field, CONOB in exergue. MIBE 5; SB 137. Minor areas of soft strike, otherwise EF.
Meer...Taxatie: € 250,00

AV Solidus (4.48 gm, 21.41 mm). Constantinople mint. Struck 542-565. D N IVSTINIANVS P P AVG, helmeted, cuirassed bust facing, shield with horseman device on left shoulder, globus cruciger in right hand / VICTORIA AVGGG Є, angel standing facing holding long cross in right hand, globus cruciger in left hand; star in right field, CONOB in exergue. DOC 7; MIBE 22; SB 138. EF.
Meer...Taxatie: € 280,00

AV Solidus (4.50 gm, 20.49 mm). Constantinople mint. Struck 542-565. D N IVSTINIANVS P P AVG, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, shield with horseman device on left shoulder, globus cruciger in right hand / VICTORIA AVGGG, angel standing facing, holding long cross in right hand, globus cruciger in left hand; officina B, star in right field, CONOB in exergue. DOC 6; SB 139. gVF.
Meer...Taxatie: € 250,00

AV Lightweight Solidus of 20 Siliquae (3.74 gm, 20.22 mm). Constantinople mint. Struck 545-565. D N IVSTINIANVS P P AVI, pearl-diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding globus cruciger in right hand, shield over left shoulder / VICTORIA AVGGG I, angel standing facing, holding long cross in right hand and globus cruciger in left; star in right field; OBXX in exergue. MIBE 15; DOC 10; SB 142. Rare. Choice EF.
Meer...Taxatie: € 280,00

AV Tremissis (1.45 gm, 16.59 mm). Constantinople mint. Struck 527-565. D N IVSTINIANVS P P AVG, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / VICTORIA AVGVSTORVM, Victory advancing right, head left, holding wreath and globus cruciger; star in right field, CONOB in exergue. MIBE 19; SB 145. gVF.
Meer...Taxatie: € 120,00

AE Follis (15.94 gm, 30.38 mm) Constantinople mint. Struck 537-538 AD. Bust right / Large M. SB 158. F.
Meer...Taxatie: € 25,00

AE Pentanummium (2.84 gm, 17.80 mm) Antioch (Theoupolis) mint. Struck 551-560 AD / SB 243. VF.
Meer...Taxatie: € 30,00

AV Solidus (4.46 gm, 21.02 mm). Constantinople mint. Struck 567-578. D N IVSTINIVS P P AVG, bust facing / VICTORIA AGGG S, Constantinopolis seated facing. MIBE 5; SB 345. gVF.
Meer...Taxatie: € 250,00

AE Follis (13.99 gm, 32.20 mm). Constantinople mint. Dated RY 9 (573/4). D N IVSTINVS PP AVC, Justin and Sophia, both nimbate, enthroned facing; Justin holding globus cruciger and Sophia holding cruciform scepter / Large M; cross above; A/N/N/O; GI/II in left and right fields; Є/ CON. DOC I 36c; MIB 43; SB 360. gVF.
Meer...Taxatie: € 20,00

AE Follis (12.87 gm, 27.85 mm) Constantinople mint. Struck 576 AD. Justin + Sophia / Large M. SB 360. VF.
Meer...Taxatie: € 30,00

AE Decanummium (4.05 gm, 19.49 mm) Antioch mint. Struck AD. Justin II + Sophia / Large I. SB 383. VF.
Meer...Taxatie: € 30,00

AV Solidus (4.48 gm, 20.83 mm). Constantinople mint. Struck 578-582. DM TIB CONSTANT P P AVI, crowned and cuirassed bust facing holding globus cruciger and shield / VICTORIA AVGG H, cross potent on four steps, CONOB in exergue. DOC 4; MIBE 4; SB 422. Mint state.
Meer...Taxatie: € 300,00

AE Half follis (6.29 gm, 23.82 mm) Antioch (Theoupolis) mint. Struck 580-581 AD / SB 452. gVF.
Meer...Taxatie: € 40,00

AV Solidus (4.40 gm, 21.11 mm). Constantinople mint. Struck 583/4-602. D N MAVRC TIb P P AVC, helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust facing, holding globus cruciger in right hand / VICTORIA AVGG B, Angel standing facing, holding globus cruciger in left hand and long staff terminating in staurogram in right, CONOB in exergue. MIBE 6; DOC 5b; SB 478. Minor scratch on reverse to the left, EF.
Meer...Taxatie: € 280,00