Veiling 57 en 58

6 mei 2024 10:00 - 8 mei 2024
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Kavel 1727

Kavel 1727
AV Dinar (7.94 gm). Mint A. 1st emission. ÞΔONΔNOÞAO O OhÞKI KOÞαhO, diademed and crowned half-length bust of Huvishka left on clouds, flames at shoulder, holding mace-scepter in right hand and goad in left / MIIPO up left, Miiro (Mithra), radiate and nimbate, standing right, holding diadem in right hand and goad in left; with personal tamgha of Kanishka to right. Göbl type 136; Rosenfield 118; Fr. 21; ZENO 323604. Superb XF.
Taxatie: € 2.000,00

Kavel 1728

Kavel 1728
AV Dinar (7.98 gm). Mint B. 1st emission. ÞΔONΔNOÞAO O OhÞKI KOÞαhO, diademed and crowned half-length bust of Huvishka left on clouds, flames at shoulder, holding mace-scepter in right hand and goad in left / OhÞO up left, Oesho (Shiva) nimbate, standing left, holding thunderbolt, flask, trident, and horns of goat to lower right, with personal tamgha of Kanishka to left. Göbl type 308; Rosenfield 162; Fr. 21. Superb XF.
Taxatie: € 2.000,00

Kavel 1729

Kavel 1729
Æ Tetradrachm (11.74 gm). Diademed king riding right on elephant, holding spear / Goddess Ardoksho standing right, holding cornucopiae; tamgha before. Göbl 876; Pieper (2021) 1770. Attractive VF.
Taxatie: € 40,00

Kavel 1730

Kavel 1730
Æ Tetradrachm (10.53 gm). Diademed king riding right on elephant, holding spear / Shiva standing frontal, tamgha in left field. Göbl 855; MAC 3291+; Pieper (2021) 1803. VF.
Taxatie: € 40,00

Kavel 1731

Kavel 1731
Æ Tetradrachm (8.57 gm). Diademed king riding right on elephant, holding spear / Mao (Mithra) standing to left, tamgha in front, ΜΑΟ to right. Göbl 882; MAC 3314. aVF.
Taxatie: € 20,00

Kavel 1732

Kavel 1732
AV Dinara (7.81 gm). King standing left, sacrificing at altar, trident standard behind / OhÞO up left, Oesho (Shiva) standing facing, holding trident and diadem, the bull Nandi standing behind, wearing bell around neck. According to Joe Cribb, both obverse and reverse die have not been seen before. rf. Göbl 509; Rosenfield 216; Fr. 23; ZENO 323641. Extremely Rare. Brilliant XF.
Taxatie: € 2.000,00

Kavel 1733

Kavel 1733
AV Dinar (7.83 gm). King standing, facing left, trisul in front and Brahmi ‘Hu’ to right + ‘Ga’ between altar and leg and ‘Gho’ in Brahmi between legs / OhÞO up left, Oesho (Shiva) facing, bull to left. Taxila series. rf. Göbl 634; MAC 3503 var.; Fr.41; ZENO 323657. XF. Note: Göbl (#635) assigns this dinar to Kanishka II, but on account of the arrangement of the Kushan coins by Joe Cribb it has now been attributed to Kanishka III. It sits in between the coins of Vasishka and Vasudeva II. One of Vasishka’s inscription mentions the birth of a son called Kanishka and then there is a single inscription of Kanishka III where he is called son of Vasishka. His coins are followed by a series in the name of Vasudeva, not known from inscriptions, but the second Kushan coin issuer to use this name, hence Vasudeva II.
Taxatie: € 1.000,00

Kavel 1734

Kavel 1734
Æ Unit (4.24 gm). King enthroned facing with his name ‘vasu’ in Brahmi right (partly visible) / Goddess Ardoksho enthroned facing. Göbl (1984) 1024; MAC 3567; Pieper (2021) 1818. Rare. gVF.
Taxatie: € 40,00

Kavel 1735

Kavel 1735
AV Dinara (7.74 gm). Early series. Vasudeva standing left, flames on shoulder, holding trident, sacrificing over altar to left; filleted trident to left; dot between legs; to right, symbol of nandipada below left arm and rosette above / OhÞO to right, Shiva standing facing, holding a diadem and trident; the bull Nandi standing left; tamgha to upper left; swastika in front of Nandi. Joe Cribb: Numismatic Evidence for Kushano-Sasanian Chronology”, Studia Iranica 19 (1990); rf. Göbl 666; Rosenfield 229; Fr.44; ZENO 323639. Large flan, attractive XF.Note: This is an example of Göbl 666. It is an imitation of the issues of Vasudeva I, distinguished by its broader slightly curved flan, the crescent on the brow of Oesho, the swastika below the bull’s head, the rosette above the nandipada on the obverse and the dot between the king’s legs. The inscription Bazdeo koshano shaonano shao is still fairly legible, but with small errors (the shao at the end of the inscription is missing the letter a). Göbl attributed these coins to Vasudeva II, but Joe Cribb is convinced that they are imitations made by the Sasanians after they defeated the Kushans in northern Afghanistan, which would be ca. AD 230–240.
Taxatie: € 800,00

Kavel 1736

Kavel 1736
AV Dinara (7.90 gm.). Early series. Vasudeva standing left, flames on shoulder, holding trident, sacrificing over altar to left; filleted trident to left; dot between legs; to right, symbol of nandipada below left arm, swastika between legs / OhÞO to right, Shiva standing facing, holding a diadem and trident; the bull Nandi standing left, three dots below bull’s head, tamgha to upper left. Göbl 680; MAC 1263; Fr. 44; ZENO 323708. Large flan, attractive XF. Note: See #1735.
Taxatie: € 800,00

Kavel 1737

Kavel 1737
AV Dinara (8.11 gm). Early series. Vasudeva standing left, flames on shoulder, holding trident, sacrificing over altar to left; filleted trident to left; dot between legs; to right, symbol of nandipada below left arm / OhÞO to right, Shiva standing facing, holding a diadem and trident; the bull Nandi standing left, no dots below bull’s head, tamgha to upper left. Göbl 680; MAC1263; Fr.44; ZENO 323709. Large flan, well centred, attractive XF.Note: See #1735
Taxatie: € 800,00

Kavel 1738

Kavel 1738
AV Dinara (7.82 gm). King standing facing, head left, sacrificing over altar and holding standard; filleted trident to left; ‘Bha’ in Brahmi to inner left at feet, ‘Ga’ in Brahmi in inner right field; ‘VaSu’ in Brahmi in outer right field / Ardoxsho, seated facing, holding filleted investiture garland and cornucopia; tamgha to upper left. Göbl 577; MAC 3548; Fr.44a; ZENO 323692. XF.
Taxatie: € 600,00

Kavel 1739

Kavel 1739
AV Dinar (7.81 gm). King standing left, sacrificing over altar and holding filleted staff; filleted trident to left, ’Pu’ in Brahmi below left arm; ‘MaHi’ in Brahmi to outer right / Goddess of plenty Ardoxsho enthroned facing, holding filleted investiture garland and cornucopia; tamgha to upper left. Göbl 588; MAC 3591a; Fr. 44a . Rare XF.
Taxatie: € 600,00

Kavel 1740

Kavel 1740
AV Dinara (7.80 gm). King standing left, sacrificing over altar and holding filleted staff; filleted trident to left; ‘Vai’ in Brahmi to right of altar; ‘Mi’ in Brahmi below left arm; ‘ShaKa’ in Brahmi to outer right / Goddess of plenty Ardoxsho enthroned facing, holding filleted investiture garland and cornucopia; tamgha to upper left. Göbl 580; MAC 3571; Fr. 45b; ZENO 323693. XF.
Taxatie: € 600,00

Kavel 1741

Kavel 1741
AV Dinara (7.90 gm). King standing left, sacrificing over altar and holding filleted staff; filleted trident to left; ‘Bhri’ in Brahmi below left arm; ‘ShaKa’ in Brahmi to outer right / Goddess of plenty Ardoxsho enthroned facing, holding filleted investiture garland and cornucopia; tamgha to upper left. Göbl 589; MAC 3570; Fr. 45b; ZENO 323694. XF.
Taxatie: € 600,00

Kavel 1742

Kavel 1742
AV Dinara (7.76 gm) King standing left, sacrificing over altar and holding filleted staff; filleted trident to left; ‘Vi’ in Brahmi to right of altar, ‘SiTa’ in Brahmi below left arm; ‘ShaKa’ in Brahmi to outer right / Goddess of plenty Ardoxsho enthroned facing, holding filleted investiture garland and cornucopia; tamgha to upper left. Göbl 591; MAC 3575-78; Fr.45b; ZENO 323695. XF.
Taxatie: € 600,00