Veiling 57 en 58

6 mei 2024 10:00 - 8 mei 2024
Kavels: 2623, Prebid: nee, Live Veiling: ja

Kavel 1735

Kavel 1735
AV Dinara (7.74 gm). Early series. Vasudeva standing left, flames on shoulder, holding trident, sacrificing over altar to left; filleted trident to left; dot between legs; to right, symbol of nandipada below left arm and rosette above / OhÞO to right, Shiva standing facing, holding a diadem and trident; the bull Nandi standing left; tamgha to upper left; swastika in front of Nandi. Joe Cribb: Numismatic Evidence for Kushano-Sasanian Chronology”, Studia Iranica 19 (1990); rf. Göbl 666; Rosenfield 229; Fr.44; ZENO 323639. Large flan, attractive XF.Note: This is an example of Göbl 666. It is an imitation of the issues of Vasudeva I, distinguished by its broader slightly curved flan, the crescent on the brow of Oesho, the swastika below the bull’s head, the rosette above the nandipada on the obverse and the dot between the king’s legs. The inscription Bazdeo koshano shaonano shao is still fairly legible, but with small errors (the shao at the end of the inscription is missing the letter a). Göbl attributed these coins to Vasudeva II, but Joe Cribb is convinced that they are imitations made by the Sasanians after they defeated the Kushans in northern Afghanistan, which would be ca. AD 230–240.
Taxatie: € 800,00

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