Veiling 57 en 58

6 mei 2024 10:00 - 8 mei 2024
Kavels: 2623, Prebid: nee, Live Veiling: ja

Kavel 1631

Kavel 1631
Lot (6) Unattributed AV Fanam (0.40 gm) with Nagari script both sides, possibly Maratha issue. Herrli p. 98; M/W p. 21. Modern jewellers fantasy AV fanams (5), 19-20th century, with elephant motifs. EF.
Taxatie: € 100,00

Kavel 1632

Kavel 1632
Lot (2) Cochin. AR 1 puttun (0.53 gm); 2 puttuns (1.04 gm) n.d. (1856-58). Shiva seated / Conch shell. KM 5 & 6. VF.
Taxatie: € 40,00

Kavel 1633

Kavel 1633
Lot (2) Islamic religious AR token (11.37 gm), mid. 19th - early 20th cent., imitating the gold coins of Akbar of Lahore mint. Brotman type I-11; MIT 538. Polished XF.Toegevoegd: Punjab ‘Kota’ series, AE unit (4.73 gm), Brahmi letter ‘Kota’ / Shiva with bull. Göbl (1967) 187; MAC 3681; Pieper (2023) 1909. VF.
Taxatie: € 20,00

Kavel 1634

Kavel 1634
AV Anonymous Pagoda (3.34 gm), uncertain symbols on both sides. NM, n.d. (c. 17th cent.). G/G BJ49; Fr. 569. EF.
Taxatie: € 150,00

Kavel 1635

Kavel 1635
AR Tanka (10.15 gm), NM (Mrohaung), BE 1014. Both sides in Arakanese: 1014 shwe nan thakhin sanda thudhamma raza (1014. Lord of the Golden Palace Sanda Thudhamma Raja). G/G RA12; MBLA 363-9; KM 13. Slightly polished, otherwise gVF.
Taxatie: € 50,00

Kavel 1636

Kavel 1636
AR tanka (10.29 gm), NM (Mrohaung), BE 1146. Both sides in Arakanese: 1146 khu amarapura hsin naing ngan (1146 Amarapura, kingdom of the lord of many white elephants). MBLA 406+; KM 29. gVF.
Taxatie: € 50,00

Kavel 1637

Kavel 1637
Attic standard ‘Athenian Series’ AR Tetradrachm (15.82 gm), uncertain mint in the Oxus region, circa 261-239/8 BC. Head of Athena right, wearing earring and crested Attic helmet decorated with three olive leaves over visor and a spiral palmetto / Owl standing right, head facing; olive sprig and crescent behind, AΘE before. Hoover 1; MIG.13; Cf. Bopearachchi, Sophytes Series 1A. Extremely Rare. aXF.
Taxatie: € 1.000,00

Kavel 1638

Kavel 1638
Æ Unit (7.56 gm). Bearded head of Herakles right / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΕΥΘΥΔΗΜΟΥ. Horse galloping right. Bevelled edge. Mint: Aï Khanoum and Baktra, struck c. 225-208/6 and c. 215-208/6 BC. MAC. 1616; Bop. series 17; Sear 7523; Hoover 53. Rare. GVF/VF.
Taxatie: € 50,00

Kavel 1639

Kavel 1639
Attic standard AR Tetradrachm (16.99 gm). Diademed bust of Eukratides I in horned Boeotian helmet right. / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ ΕΥΚΡΑΤΙΔΟΥ / Dioskouroi charging right on horseback, with couched spears and holding palm branches., Monogram to right. Mint: Bactria. MAC. 1711; Bop. series 6-E; MIG; Hoover 131. Brilliant XF-UNC.
Taxatie: € 1.000,00

Kavel 1640

Kavel 1640
AR Obol (0.45 gm). Diademed bust of Eukratides I in horned Boeotian helmet right. / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΠΓ / ΕΥΚΡΑΤΙΔΟΥ, two pilei with two palm branches, monogram ΠΓ below. Mint: Bactria. MAC. 1722+; MIC.181; Bop. series 9-B; Hoover 139. Scarce. gVF.
Taxatie: € 50,00

Kavel 1641

Kavel 1641
Square Æ (8.04 gm). Diademed bust of Eukratides I in horned Boeotian helmet right. / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ / ΕΥΚΡΑΤΙΔΟΥ, Dioskouroi charging right. on horseback, with couched spears and holding palm branches. Monogram to right. MAC. 1730+; Bop. series 19, with monogram 9 (unrecorded). Scarce gVF.
Taxatie: € 50,00

Kavel 1642

Kavel 1642
Anonymous issue, AV Dinara (5.69 gm), Gupta inspired type. King facing left holding a bow in his left hand, arrow with right, a conch shell standard left, dotted border around / Female winged figure, apparently a deity (Lakshmi?) holding an object in right hand (lotus bud?). S.K. Bose / Noman Nasir: Early Coinage of Bengal, Type 3.5; Mitchiner: Coinage and History of Bangladesh, #54; Fr.112; Pieper (2021) 3717. XF.
Taxatie: € 700,00

Kavel 1643

Kavel 1643
AV 1 Mohur AH1202 / Ry.19 (1793-1818) (12.25 g.), mint: Calcutta, edge: GR. Stevens 4.3; Pr. 62; Fr. 1537. aEF.
Taxatie: € 600,00

Kavel 1644

Kavel 1644
AV ¼ Mohur AH1204 / Ry.19 (1793-1818) (3.08 gm), mint: Murshidabad, edge: GR. Stevens 4.7; Pr. 64; Fr. 1539. EF.
Taxatie: € 400,00

Kavel 1645

Kavel 1645
AR Rupee, 19 sun (1793-1818), mint: Murshidabad, edge: GR. Stevens 4.18; Pr.157. EF.
Taxatie: € 30,00

Kavel 1646

Kavel 1646
AR Rupee Muhammadabad Benares, AH1213/41. Stevens 7.80; Pr. 257. gVF.
Taxatie: € 40,00