Veiling 51

19 april 2021 10:00 - 20 april 2021
Kavels: 1830, Prebid: nee, Live Veiling: ja

Kavel 2004

Kavel 2004
1869 Marriage of Carol I and Elisabeth of Wied. Raised heads of the bride and groom / Hohenzollern Castle. Æ 50,8. Sommer K. 65. W. Kullrich. EF / UNC. - Purchased from Künker, October 2007, auction 131, lot 4384.
Taxatie: € 200,00

Kavel 2005

Kavel 2005
1891 25 Years Jubilee King Carol I Bust left within inscription. / Victory before lion. Æ 64. Forrer V-367. A. Scharff. EF. - Purchased from Karel de Geus Muntveilingen BV, April 1997, auction 4, lot 1195.
Taxatie: € 50,00

Kavel 2006

Kavel 2006
1893 Marriage of Princess Marie and Prince Ferdinand. Conjoined busts left. / Cupid crowns their shields. Æ 51. Eimer 1779; FV 368. A. Scharff. EF. - Purchased from Karel de Geus Muntveilingen, April 1997, auction 4, lot 1196.
Taxatie: € 75,00