Burma. Japanese military fieldpost card sent from Burma to Japan 17.8.26
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 100,00
POW & CI. Burma. Japanese military ppc used by Burmese laborers, showing on the address side a circular handstamp for postage free use and on the picture side a two-line horizontal handstamp in Burmese which reads as ´P.O. Forced Labor - Postage Free´. Scarce
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 100,00
POW & CI. China. 12 Cards/covers/form from and to several camps showing an interesting variety in types, censors and so on
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 200,00
POW & CI. Hong Kong. 6 Cards and 2 covers from and to several camps showing an interesting variety in types, censors and so on
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 200,00
POW & CI. Japan. 24 Cards/covers/forms from and to several camps such as Fukuoka, Hakodate, Hiroshima, Sendai, Zentsuji, showing an interesting variety in types, censors and so on, sent to/coming from the USA, Canada and the UK, some via the International Red Cross at Geneva
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 300,00
POW & CI. From the Netherlands. Cover from The Hague 22 June 1943 via Japan to a POW in Thailand/Burma? showing special censor label pf No. 3 Branch of the Thai/Prisoners of War camp (Jacobs no. TH 28) and postcard from Baarn to a POW in Hakodate camp, received 17 Mch 1945
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 150,00
POW & CI. Korea and Taiwan. Postcard (Jacobs no. K 1, RR) from Chosen Camp on 8/10/44, a stationery letter (no. K 2, R) on 6/1/44 from the Chosen Camp and from Taiwan 1 postcard (no. TA 3), all 3 to the UK
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 200,00
POW & CI. Malaya. Package label for printed matter from 1949 from the Japanese Red Cross in Tokyo to Japanese POW in Pudu Gaol, Kuala Lumpur, awaiting trial for war crimes. According to Dr. Norman Jacobs no POW mail was ever sent to or received from this camp, and this wrapper or part of a parcel is believed to be the only known item to survive addressed to Japanese POW at Pudu Gaol. Info included (Jacobs no. JAW 111)
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 300,00
POW & CI. Malaya. 8 Postcards, all different, 4 to the UK (Jacobs nos. MA 2, 3, 6 type I=R and 10 = RR), 2 to the Dutch East Indies (MA 4a and 7, both R), 1 to Canada showing German censor mark (MA 5), and 1 to India (MA 1, RR). Also Japanese/Malayan postcard from a Japanese
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 400,00
POW & CI. Manchukuo. 2 Postcards and 1 envelope from the Hoten Camp to the USA showing several censors, one even from Germany. Jacobs nos. MN 1, 2 and 3 (no. 3 is plasticized). Rare.
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 200,00
POW & CI. Dutch East Indies. 3½ Cent postcard from Bandoeng 14.5.04 (the sender is most likely also interned, as shown by the message) to a POW showing several censor marks and Japanese characters to indicate the camp location
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 75,00
POW & CI. Dutch East Indies. Cover from Banka to a lady in Soekaboemi (Jacobs NS 11/12), postcard type Bu.PW8 and envelope Bu.PW2 (for high ranking officers, only 2 recorded)
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 300,00
POW & CI. Dutch East Indies. Leaflet dropped by Allied plane after the Japanese has surrendered, informing the allied internees in English and Dutch about packages of medicines and food being dropped
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 100,00
POW & CI. Philippines. Internal handstamps of the camps CAMP 1, # 1, KWANT, DAVAO, FAST and ST.TOMAS on 6 covers (5 from the US, 1 from Canada), Jacobs nos. PR1/6. Scarce
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 200,00
POW & CI. Philippines. 10 Cards/covers from and to several camps showing an interesting variety in types, censors and so on
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 200,00
POW & CI. Soviet Union in the far East. 6 Cards from Japanese prisoners of war awaiting repatriation, sent to Japan, showing an interesting variety in types, censors and so on. Very scarce
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 200,00