Auction 647

7 April 2022 13:00 - 9 April 2022
Lose: 2438, Prebid: nein, Live-Auktion: ja, Mehr...
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Los 1393

Los 1393
Sumatra. East Coast. 30 Cent Van Konijnenburg with black handstamped T-overprint no. 912z-48 as a single franking on a beautifully illustrated envelope from Medan 19.6.26 registered to Soerabaja 18.7.04
Einstiegspreis: € 100,00

Los 1394

Los 1394
Sumatra. East Coast. 10 Cent on 12½ cent postal stationery envelope with black handstamped T-overprint Bu.187 bearing 20 cent for registration fee from Medan 19.8.29 to Djakarta 26.9.04
Einstiegspreis: € 200,00

Los 1395

Kein Bild verfügbar
Sumatra. East Coast. 5 Cent Numeral with small black Dai Ni Hon overprint no. 811z-42 in strip of three and single, and 10 cent Van Konijnenburg with machine T-overprint no. 922z-43bg, 4x cancelled with the very rare oval negative postmark Rantauprapat (vNV.091, RR) on large size envelope with handwritten date 19-1-25 to Medan
Einstiegspreis: € 100,00

Los 1396

Los 1396
Sumatra. East Coast. 7½ Cent letter sheet without overprint Bu.S4 from Limapoeloeh 17.11.9 to Pematangsiantar
Einstiegspreis: € 100,00

Los 1397

Los 1397
Sumatra. East Coast. 3½ Cent postcard type Kreisler in offset print with red Dai Ni Hon overprint in wavy frame (only lower side) Bu.164h from Pematang-/Siantar 18.5.17 to Djakarta
Einstiegspreis: € 100,00

Los 1398

Los 1398
Sumatra. East Coast. 3½ Cent postcard type Kreisler, reply-paid card, in offset print with black Dai Ni Hon overprint in wavy frame (only lower side) Bu.165d written at Tandjoeng Bringin (tobacco estate) cancelled Soengeirampah 19.2.26 sent to Djakarta. This reply-paid card is up to now only unused recorded
Einstiegspreis: € 300,00

Los 1399

Los 1399
Sumatra. Tapanoeli. 15 Cent Kreisler with purple coarse Hinomaru overprint no. 221p-26b, two copies making up the rate of 30 cent for the registered cover (this cover is made out of a former telegram form) from Siboga 19.7.25 to Djakarta 16.8.04, showing several types of censor marks and labels
Einstiegspreis: € 200,00

Los 1400

Los 1400
Sumatra. Tapanoeli. 5 Cent Numeral, two copies, one with violet overprint Dai Ni Hon in frame no. 821v-42, the other without overprint no. 42 (scarce usage in Tapanoeli) on cover from Pangoeroeran 18.8.19 to Djakarta, with different censor marks, sewing machine and a label
Einstiegspreis: € 100,00

Los 1401

Los 1401
Sumatra. Tapanoeli. 7½ Cent letter sheet in offset print with violet overprint Dai Ni Hon in frame and without Hinomaru overprint (not listed) from Pangoeroeran 18.3.17(?) to Djakarta, showing different censor marks and an emergency censor label from a piece of paper with text in Dutch language and sewing machine censor. The inside is somewhat stained because the censor has blackened a lot of text
Einstiegspreis: € 200,00

Los 1402

Los 1402
Sumatra. Tapanoeli. 3½ Cent postcard type Kreisler in offset print with violet overprint Dai Ni Hon in frame without Hinomaru overprint (not listed) from the delivery house SAJOERMATINGGI (blue postmark vNV.071 type 1937, reported but not seen by the authors) via Padangsidempoean 18.9.4 to Djakarta. Unique!
Einstiegspreis: € 500,00

Los 1403

Los 1403
Sumatra. Tapanoeli. 3½ Cent postcard type Kreisler without overprint from the delivery house SAJOERMATINGGI (black postmark vNV.072 type YÛBINSYO, RRR) via Padangsidempoean 19.4.-5 to Djakarta. Very rare!
Einstiegspreis: € 300,00

Los 1404

Los 1404
Sumatra. West Coast. 5 Gulden Van Konijnenburg with violet small Dai Ni Hon Yubin overprint in combination with black cross overprint no. 870v/330z-56, unused. € 150
Einstiegspreis: € 75,00

Los 1405

Los 1405
Sumatra. West Coast. 5 Gulden Van Konijnenburg with violet large Dai Ni Hon Yubin overprint in combination with violet cross overprint no. 880v/330v-56, cancelled Boekittinggi (1)8.6.-9. € 240
Einstiegspreis: € 100,00

Los 1406

Los 1406
Sumatra. West Coast. 25 Gulden Van Konijnenburg with black cross overprint no. 332z-58 on piece, cancelled Padang 18.11.6. € 500
Einstiegspreis: € 200,00

Los 1407

Los 1407
Sumatra. West Coast. Small or large Dai Ni Hon Yubin overprint in violet or black in combination with black or violet standing (´Greek´) cross overprint of Pajakombo, unused, on Kreisler (4x) and Van Konijnenburg (17x) of which 17½ cent in block of four and 1 stamp with cross overprint only, and 2 gulden no. 881v/360z-55g not listed
Einstiegspreis: € 150,00

Los 1408

Los 1408
Sumatra. West Coast. 10 Cent Van Konijnenburg with violet cross overprint no. 351v-43bg on censored cover from Fort de Kock 17.11.7 to Djakarta
Einstiegspreis: € 100,00