Auction 647

7 April 2022 13:00 - 9 April 2022
Lose: 2438, Prebid: nein, Live-Auktion: ja, Mehr...
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Los 2121

Los 2121
GERMAN EMPIRE, used collection Se-tenants in 2 stockbooks with several better items,f.i.: Mi.W7I, W9, W12, W19, S33, W23, S41, WZ10, SK19/20, W53, KZ21.2, S124, S126, KZ29.1, S209.1, K226 and so on. Beautiful collection with well over € 12.000 cataloque value!
Einstiegspreis: € 750,00

Los 2122

Los 2122
GERMANY POW, collection of 80 prisoner-of-war postcards (Kriegsgefangenenpost) from French internees to/from France during the 2nd World War, showing an interesting variety of types of postcards, postmarks and censor marks, housed in an album
Einstiegspreis: € 150,00

Los 2123

Los 2123
DANZIG and PORT GDANSK 1920-1939, collection */** in Safe album with some varieties incl. Airmail and Service and also a small book with duplicates
Einstiegspreis: € 200,00

Los 2124

Los 2124
SAAR and SAARLAND 1920-1959, beautiful specialized collection in 2 Safe albums starting with a few hundred overprint-varieties and types of the first issue, all signed or with certificate (Burger BPP), also the second issue with several varieties, Landscapes with 'Tete-beche'-pairs, all the 'Volkshilfe'-sets, some as well */** as used. The Saarland cpl. (ex. Urdruck') incl. the 'Hochwasser'-blocks, huge cat.value!
Einstiegspreis: € 1.000,00

Los 2125

Los 2125
SAAR 1920-1959 o/*/**, collection on albumpages with lots of better numbers ans sets f.i.: Mi.1/17, 18/31, 84/97, 104/107, 128/134, 144/150, 151/157, 161/167, 179/197 and Saarland 267/271, 297/298, block 1 and 2. Nice collection with possibly a few regummed ex. but overall a nice buy with a high catalogue value
Einstiegspreis: € 300,00

Los 2126

Los 2126
BERLIN 1948-1989, o/*/** collection in Davo album with several better sets f.i.: Mi.1/20 and 21/34, both signed Schlegel, 35/41, 68/70 and Block 1 (signed Schlegel)
Einstiegspreis: € 200,00

Los 2127

Los 2127
BERLIN 1948-1990, mainly mint never hinged collection in Lighthouse album, many signed Schlegel, Bühler and Dr. Dub, f.i.: 1/20, 21/34 and block 1
Einstiegspreis: € 200,00

Los 2128

Los 2128
GERMANY FEDERAL REPUBLIC 1990-2020, mint collection in 3 Davo albums with well over € 1350 face value!
Einstiegspreis: € 300,00

Los 2129

Los 2129
GREAT BRITAIN 1840-1912, mainly used on selfmade pages in small ringbinder with several better stamps, plate-numbers, cancellations, etc.
Einstiegspreis: € 200,00

Los 2130

Los 2130
GREAT BRITAIN 1840-1970, extensive used collection in Victoria album with several better numbers and sets with f.i:. S.G.60, 76, 90, 92, 101, 111, 114, 118, 123, 126, 154, 156, 178/179, 181, 183, 187/96, 260/263 265, 416/417 etc. A nice collection in overall good quality
Einstiegspreis: € 750,00

Los 2131

Los 2131
GREAT BRITAIN 1855-1919, used collection in thick stockbook with several better numbers with i.e.: S.G.68/69, 79/80, 84, 97, 92, 139, 153, 159, 179/80, 192/94, beautiful cancellations, platenumbers, wingmarks, etc.
Einstiegspreis: € 300,00

Los 2132

Los 2132
GREAT BRITAIN 2000-2006, collection Smilers in a Royal Mail album, face value £.410
Einstiegspreis: € 100,00

Los 2133

Los 2133
CHANNEL ISLANDS, Guernsey 1940-2019, extensive collection in 5 Davo albums, double collected, used and **, including covers, German occupation and block's, sheets and booklets
Einstiegspreis: € 300,00

Los 2134

Los 2134
CHANNEL ISLANDS, Isle of Man 1973-2019, extensive collection in 6 Davo albums, collected double, mint and used with blocks, sheets, booklets and First Day covers. Nice lot with high cat.value!
Einstiegspreis: € 300,00

Los 2135

Los 2135
CHANNEL ISLANDS, Jersey 1969-2019, collection in 6 Davo albums, double collected, mint and used with blocks, sheets and First Day covers. Nice lot with high value
Einstiegspreis: € 300,00

Los 2136

Los 2136
GREAT BRITAIN and BR.COMMONWEALTH 1840-1968, o/* beautiful mainly used collections, housed in 7 Stanley Gibbons albums with several well filled areas like Hong Kong with S.G.1, 3, 4, 5, 19, 51, 116, 132, etc., India with S.G.34(!), 66, 143/147, North Borneo with S.G.253/275 *, etc., etc.
Einstiegspreis: € 2.000,00