JAPANESE OCCUPATION, small collection of Javanese postmarks on the 5 Cent Dancer, amongst others Darmaradja, Kadanghaoer, Poerwantoro, Talaga, etc. in stock book
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 75,00

JAPANESE OCCUPATION & INDONESIA REVOLUTION PERIOD, Java. Collection of some 150 covers/cards including postal stationery cards, few unused, POW cards, frankings (single, mixed issue, multiple, etc.), overprints, postmarks (includes not listed railway halt KRANGGAN), propaganda cachets, censors, registered, also some from the other islands and Philippines in ring binder
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 300,00

JAPANESE OCCUPATION & INDONESIA REVOLUTION PERIOD. Collection of used and unused stamps, some in parts of sheets, different anchor and other overprints, brush strokes or pencil lines through country name, definitive issues, emergency issues for Atjeh, few nice postmarks such as Kadjen (very rare!), some revenues, RIAU and Irian Barat, etc. in 2 stock books. Nice lot!
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 300,00

NED. NIEUW-GUINEA POSTHISTORIE, ruim 350 poststukken w.o. frankeringen, stempels, aangetekend, prentbriefkaarten, veldpost, militaire luchtpostbladen, APO´s, dienst, formulieren, postwaardestukken, RONG, Ned. portzegels, luchtpost, landkaartenveloppen, FDC´s, UNTEA, IBAR, etc. in 2 ringbanden
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 500,00

INDONESIË 1949-2003, ongebruikte, resp. postfrisse verzameling in 3 Davo albums, vanaf 1955 nagenoeg compleet, waarbij ook revolutie-periode, betere nummers, blokken en vellen. Alles in zeer nette kwaliteit
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 300,00

CURAÇAO, Kortebalkstempels op div. emissies 1915-1948 incl. Luchtpost en Port. Mooie collectie in prachtkwaliteit, in insteekboek
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 100,00

SURINAME, 1873-1950, verregaand compete verz. (*)/*/** in Davo album, wb. vrijwel alle goede nummers aanwezig, zoals 1/15, 21, 32a, 37/40, 41/57, 69/103**, 104/10**, DO.X-serie, enz. Mooie collectie in goede kwaliteit met zeer hoge cataloguswaarde
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 500,00