NEW ZEALAND 1900-2012, o/*/** in 2 Davo albums and 1 stockbook incl. m/s, blocks and self adhesive stamps
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 100,00

SWITZERLAND and LIECHTENSTEIN, o/*/** with useful sets and singles incl. several better in 4 stockbooks. High cat. value
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 200,00

NEDERLAND en O.G.D., postfris engros, omvangrijke partij wb. naast veel eenvoudig materiaal ook iets beter. Bij een vluchtige bezichtiging vonden we o.a. een zakje met 7 sets Amphilex 1967 blokken
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 200,00

INDONESIA REVOLUTION PERIOD, small collection of stamps for Java and Sumatra, some in (parts of) sheets, others nicely written-up on album leaves, substantial Vienna Printings, ca. 150 covers, cards and ppc´s (1 with straight line Laboeha), propaganda cancellations, Indonesia from 1950, in 1 box, 3 albums and 3 maps
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 200,00

NEDERLAND 2001-2015, postfrisse verzameling in 2 Davo de luxe albums, 1 insteekboek en los in doosje. De frankeergeldige waarde bedraagt € 2580
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 500,00

GREAT BRITAIN, IRELAND and GIBRALTAR, o/*/** in 2 stockbooks, on stockpages and some sheets including face value! also 2 albums Postal Stationary
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 100,00

NEDERLAND 1852-1997, uitgebreide o/*/** verzameling in 5 Davo albums, wb. diverse betere nummers (meest gebruikt) zoals 29, 48, 80, 101, 104/05, 130/31, LP12/13, Belastingzegels, enkele poststukken, etc., etc. zie www.vandieten.nl voor een goede indruk
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 300,00

GERMAN FEDERAL REPUBLIC 1972-2012, used collection in 11 albums and 1 album Berlin. Total in 2 boxes
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 100,00

GREAT BRITAIN 1855-2020, o/*/** collection in 5 albums and also 2 albums and 5 plastic containers with First Day Covers. Total in 2 boxes
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 150,00

TOPICS, o/*/** huge accumulation in 24 stockbooks and 7 small ringbinders and a box filled with stockcards containing almost every imaginable theme with better numbers, blocks, miniature sheets, etc., etc., in 2 boxes. Visit our website for a good impression!
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 200,00

WORLD, from A to Z, mainly used accumulation in bags and on stockpages with some better numbers, nice cancellations and possible finds. Perfect lot for the adventurers!
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 100,00

NEDERLAND 1950-2021, postfrisse verzameling in 6 Davo albums waarbij aanvankelijk enkele series met oxidatie, veder doorgaans nette kwaliteit, alsmede 1 album Mooi Nederland, de totale frankeergeldige waarde is ruim € 1400
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 300,00

CHINA PEOPLES REPUBLIC, HONGKONG and TAIWAN, mainly 1980-2013 unmounted mint in three Schaubek albums, several stockbooks, stockcards and envelopes containing as far as we can see all the sets, blocks and souvenir sheets from the period. Also the overprinted blocks, the silk-issues, etc., and several sets and blocks up to four times each. The original cost (and potential resale value) is many multiples of our starting price
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 1.000,00