Auction 650

11 Oktober 2023 14:00 - 14 Oktober 2023
Lose: 2349, Prebid: nein, Live-Auktion: ja, Mehr...
Als Fliesen|Als Liste

Los 2433

Los 2433
MALAYSIA, 1867-1965, mainly used in 1 thick stockbook with several better numbers and sets f,i,: Strait Settlements 193/212, FMS 49, 80, Johore 73, 99/101, Kedah 35/38, 76/90, Kelantan 53, Malacca 3/17, 23/28, Negri Sembilan 62, Pahang 73, Perlis 27 etc. etc.
Einstiegspreis: € 300,00

Los 2434

Los 2434
MAURITIUS, collection of 50+ covers/postal stationery, incoming and outgoing mail, with several very nice items, in 2 binders
Einstiegspreis: € 300,00

Los 2435

Los 2435
NEW ZEALAND 1855-1993 o/*/** in Davo album with some nice nos. and sets, many blocks and Ross Dependency
Einstiegspreis: € 100,00

Los 2436

Los 2436
NORFOLK ISL. 1947-2000, MNH collection in 2 stockbooks with f.i. 1/36
Einstiegspreis: € 100,00

Los 2437

Los 2437
RHODESIA, 1892-1947, collection o/* in mixed quality in 3 Davo albums with a large number of "Double Heads" and "Admirals", with colour varieties, cancellations, perforations ets., also a section of Fiscals with some nice combinations. Huge catalog value!
Einstiegspreis: € 1.000,00

Los 2438

Los 2438
RHODESIA, 1892-1963 o/* with good "Double Heads" and "Admirals", Br,Sth.Africa 1/10, 29/50, 66/73, 98/99 and Nrd.Rhodesia 1/17, 25/45(2), etc. in a binder
Einstiegspreis: € 300,00

Los 2439

Los 2439
SOUTH AFRICA, 1852-1910 o/(*)/* in Leuchtturm album with 39 triangular stamps of Cape of Good Hope, Natal with varieties, Transvaal with many "Arms", Pietersburg, mainly signed, Orange Free Sate, Stellaland, Griqueland, Zululand etc. A little mixed quality, but a well filled album with an enormous catalog value!
Einstiegspreis: € 500,00

Los 2440

Los 2440
SOUTH AFRICA, 1936-1995, MNH collection in a Leuchtturm album with some better numbers and sets, also some Back of the Book with O28/29 en O50/51. Nice lot with high value.
Einstiegspreis: € 150,00

Los 2441

Los 2441
SOUTH WEST AFRICA 1923-1950 o/*/**, nice collection in stockbook with many better numbers, f.i.: S.G 1/9 pairs, 12, 16/25 pairs, 39 pair, 40(3), 49/53, 65/67, 74/87 all in pairs, etc.
Einstiegspreis: € 300,00

Los 2442

Los 2442
SOUTH WEST AFRICA, 1931-1990, mainly MNH in a stockbook with better sets f.i. 74/87 and 105/113. Also some New Zealand and Malaysia
Einstiegspreis: € 100,00

Los 2443

Los 2443
HUNGARY, 1871-1950, o/* collection in a Schaubek album with several better numbers, f.i.: 484/87, 502/10, miniature sheets, blocks incl. B3/6 etc. etc.
Einstiegspreis: € 150,00

Los 2444

Los 2444
HUNGARY, French and Serbian occupation, Transylvania, Yugoslavia and Bosnia Herzegovina o/*/** with several better singles and sets in a Davo album.
Einstiegspreis: € 200,00

Los 2445

Los 2445
ICELAND 1873-1989, o/*, mostly used collection in Davo album with a lot of better numbers and sets, f.i. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 18, 19(cert.), 35/75, 125/40, 142/46, 147/49, 172/74 (174 cert.), Officials 42/42 and 44/59. Overall in good quality and very high catalog value.
Einstiegspreis: € 1.000,00

Los 2446

Los 2446
ICELAND, Charity Labels 1913-1956 in a stockbook, mainly unused, also 2 Zeppelin covers 1931
Einstiegspreis: € 100,00

Los 2447

Los 2447
ITALY. Italian States, Occupation issues, Colonies, Papal Sate and San Marino 1851-1931 o/(*)/* collection in 1 Schaubek Europe album with several better numbers and sets in overall good quality, incl. f.i.: Italy Mi. 1/5, 16/21, 25, 26(*), 61/66, 97/98, 230/33, 275/78, 294B, 92/R7, Official 1/8, Due 1, 2/14, PP 1/6, Agean Isl. 11I, 11IV, 11VII, 11X, Venezia Giulia Due 7, San Marino 5, 6, 105/08, 133/35 etc. etc.
Einstiegspreis: € 300,00

Los 2448

Los 2448
LUXEMBURG, 1852-2018, o/*/**, very nice collection in 3 Davo albums with a lot of better singles and sets, f.i.: 1, 2, 3/10, Block 1, 266/80, etc. Quality collection with very high catalog value
Einstiegspreis: € 500,00