FRANCE, 1940-2010, unmounted mint collection in 7 Safe albums with several better numbers a.o.: Yv 989/994, 1027/32, A F20, A30/33, BL6, Red Cross, booklets including 1952-1955, Postage Due 78/89 etc. etc.. The total amount of face value amounts to €1500,-.
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 500,00

NEDERLAND EN O.G.D. o/*/**, merendeels vanaf jaren '40 w.o. Legioenblokken**, veldelen, FDC's meest na 2001, tevens iets Wereld en thema's w.o. Olympische Spelen en Tweede Wereldoorlog
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 150,00

NEDERLAND 1852-2010, o/*/** in 2 albums en 14 insteekboeken waarbij diverse aardige nummers en series w.o.: luchtpost, roltanding, postfris engros, enkele aardige afstempelingen, €165 frankeergeldig enz. Neem de tijd bij bezichtiging.
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 200,00

NEDERLAND, 1852-2000, o/*/** leuke snuffelpartij in 35 albums/insteekboeken en 2 doosjes w.b. aardige nummers en series zoals 1/2, 4/7, 29, 98/99, 104/05, 130/31, 136/38, 346/49, 534/37, IN1/2, Pzbs, kinder-bedank-kaarten, FDC's alsmede iets O.G.D in 3 insteekboeken. Totaal in 3 verhuisdozen.
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 500,00

AIRMAIL, 106 covers in 1 album and a small box, mostly sent to the Netherlands.
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 75,00

GERMAN EMPIRE 1871-1948, o/*/** in 1 Schaubek album, with better material, Airmail, Occupation, Danzig, Memel;, Saar etc.etc. Also 1 album with German Post Offices Abroad and colonies without highlights but still several useful numbers available
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 300,00

POSTHISTORIE, NEDERLAND EN O.G.D., 125 gebruikte en ongebruikte Particulier bedrukte briefkaarten waarbij enkele aardige exemplaren.
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 75,00

DIVERSEN, o/*/** op bladen, kaartjes en zakjes waarbij aardig Belgie met o.a. OBP 266A/K en 582B (2) tevens iets Nederlandse Antillen en Vaticaan.
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 100,00

O.G.D., 1863-1975, o/(*)/*/** in 2 Davo albums waarbij diverse aardige nummers en series met o.a.: Nederlands-Indië 2, 5, 149/59, 166, 280*, 287*, 289o, P1/4, Curacao 11/12, 75/81, 104/20, LP1/3, LP16/25, LP82/88, P4 en P7, Suriname 1/15, 110, LP8/14, P15/16 enz.. Hier en daar iets wisselende kwaliteit doch zeer aardig kavel met hoge catalogus waarde.
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 300,00

MOZAMBIQUE, 1958-2011, unmounted mint collection in 2 stockbooks and on stockpages with a lot of good thematic material including blocks and M/S. For a good impression visit our website.
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 100,00

MAROCCO, 1923-2017, */** in 1 album and 1 stockbook with a lot of MNH material, multiples/blocks of 4, good thematic etc. etc.. Nice stock with high cat. value.
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 200,00

GERMAN EMPIRE, 1872-1945, mainly used collection in 1 album and on stockpages with types and varieties, and several good numbers and sets incl. a.o.: Mi. 344/50, 384, 407/09, 423/24, 430/34, 438/39, BL3(cert), unmounted mint sheets and pats of sheets, from the "Infla"-period. Interesting lot, take your time for viewing!
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 500,00

GERMAN STATES AND EMPIRE, 1851-1944, o/*/** in 3 stockbooks and on albumpages with good numbers, sets and several types and variations in overall decent quality and with a enormous cat. value!
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 300,00

ISRAEL 1966-2013, o/*/** in 2 stockbooks including blocks, miniature sheets, self adhesives and 2 boxes and 1 binder with First day covers.
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 100,00

SCANDINAVIA 1858-2008, o/*/** in 3 albums, 1 binder and 1 stockbook with an interesting part Local post, Danish prestige booklets, Iceland 5Kr. Hopflug (regummed),se-tenants from Sweden etc.etc.
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 150,00

U.S.A. 1977-2011, Yearbooks and stamps on coil with a total of €860 face value.
Mehr...Einstiegspreis: € 150,00