Auction 653

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9 April 2025 14:00
Lose: 1635, Prebid: nein, Live-Auktion: ja, Mehr...
Als Fliesen|Als Liste

Los 49

Los 49
OLD GERMAN STATES, o/(*)/* single volume collection in mixed quality but still several better numbers and sets. the lot is completely depicted on our website
Einstiegspreis: € 100,00

Los 50

Los 50
HONGKONG 1862-2011, o/*/** in 2 stockbooks with despite the mixed quality some better numbers, colour varieties, some flaws and blocks including: SG. 51, 73, 87, 113/6 and D1/5.
Einstiegspreis: € 150,00

Los 51

Los 51
INDONESIA, Vienna Printings, 100 MNH sheets, 85 sheets of 50, + 15 sheets of 25 including Merdeka and Resmi ovpt's.
Einstiegspreis: € 100,00

Los 52

Los 52
EUROPE, 1841-1930, o/*/** on selfmade pages with better numbers, sets and ranges with some better material from i.e.: Bosnia Herzegovina, Denmark, France, German Empire, Italy e tc.. Despite some quality issues a nice lot. For images visit our website for a better impression.
Einstiegspreis: € 150,00

Los 53

Los 53
NEDERLAND 1961, "Ministerie van verkeer en waterstaat" set van 75 cent t/m 100 gulden in 8 complete luxe vellen van 100.
Einstiegspreis: € 200,00

Los 54

Los 54
BERMUDA 1938-1953, King George VI, 2 Sh./1 Pound SG. 116/21, with several colour- and perf.-varieties, all VF, incl. cto
Einstiegspreis: € 100,00

Los 55

Los 55
DENMARK, Railway stamps, a sheet folder with 125 MNH sheets and 1 booklet.
Einstiegspreis: € 75,00

Los 56

Los 56
WORLD, International answer coupons well over 300 in 1 thick stockbook from all over the world, mainly modern.
Einstiegspreis: € 50,00

Los 57

Los 57
FIRST WORLD WAR, 63 covers showing a wide variety of censor marks and censor labels, originating from several countries such as Austria (K.u.K., Sarajevo), Bulgaria, China (via Russia), Egypt, Eritrea, German East Africa (Belgium Occupation), Hungary, Malta, New Zealand, Russia, Samoa, Transvaal, Turkey (Constantinople), Zanzibar, etc., many of these covers were sent to the Netherlands, also with interesting postmarks (like N.I. Postagent Singapore), registed covers, militairy covers, etc.. Most of the covers are well described in Dutch and English. Very interesting lot for the specialist.
Einstiegspreis: € 100,00

Los 58

Los 58
GREENLAND, 1938-2009, used in 1 stockbook with some "Pakket Porto", blocks of 4, booklets etc..
Einstiegspreis: € 75,00

Los 59

Los 59
OLD GERMAN STATES, BAYERN, 1849-1920, o/*/** in 1 Lindner album with several better numbers, sets and ranges, perf.- and colour,- varieties and BoB, incl. Mi. 40a/b, 86/91, 107/09IIA, 116/35A/B, Postage Due 10/12 etc. etc..
Einstiegspreis: € 200,00

Los 60

Los 60
GERMAN EMPIRE, 1911-1941, used single volume collection Se-Tenant and Tete-Beche from booklets with several better noted numbers. For images please visit our website where the lot is well depicted.
Einstiegspreis: € 200,00

Los 61

Los 61
NEDERLAND, 1946-1990 omvangrijke postfrisse partij veldelen en series tussen nr. 460-1459 in 6 insteekboeken en 1 map. De cat. waarde van de complete series bedraagt reeds €37.775,-. De inzet van deze partij is nog minder dan 1% van de catalogus waarde! Graag voorzichtig behandelen.
Einstiegspreis: € 300,00

Los 62

Los 62
AUSTRIA 1850-2001, o/*/** in 6 albums with better numbers and sets i.e"Mi. 139/56, 177, 468/87, 567/87, 617/22, 985 etc also a nice section Military fieldpost and Levant.
Einstiegspreis: € 200,00

Los 63

Los 63
SWITZERLAND, 1882-2009, o/*/** in 5 stockbooks and yearbooks 1990-2009 with a total of CHF1000,- face value! And a small section Austria with mainly common material.
Einstiegspreis: € 300,00

Los 64

Los 64
NEDERLAND 1852-2023, o/*/** verzameling in 6 Davo albums en 1 stockboek waarbij aardig materiaal in het vooroorlogse deel en ruim €2400 frankeergeldig in het moderne deel. Tevens Automaatboekjes waarbij betere
Einstiegspreis: € 750,00