OIL STATES, o/*/** and on cover, selection on stockpages with f.i.: Oman Mi.102II (**), 153/54I, (153I thin perfs at top), imperforated, Qatar 439/41 in Proof sheet, etc.
More...Starting price: € 100,00
PALESTINE 1918-1957, o/* collection on stockpages with better numbers and sets f.i.: Mi.20II, 25, 68, Post Due 1/5, Jordan Occupation 1/16
More...Starting price: € 200,00
PERSIA 1875-1915, o/(*)/* selection on stockpages with several good numbers and varieties with f.i.: Mi.8, 17, A22, 24, 26, 40/42, etc., etc. Also some nice covers and cancellations
More...Starting price: € 300,00
PERU 1860-1872, specialized collection cancellations with better ones, colour- and other varieties. Nice lot for the specialist
More...Starting price: € 300,00
PERU, small lot of 7 Pre-philatelic covers
More...Starting price: € 100,00
SAUDI ARABIA, Nedschd Mi.9a in mint block of six, double perforated block of six and pair of Mi.76c (pair with shifted opt.), registered cover from Djeddah to Istanbul and a cover from Mecca to Yokohama
More...Starting price: € 100,00
SIAM 1883-1928, small lot with some opt.-varieties and 1928 issue "King Prajadhipok" 3 Satangs colour-proofs with gum, a blue pair and a brown block of four, both perf. 9
More...Starting price: € 100,00
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 5c brown Benjamin Franklin, Sc.1, a wonderful copy with very fine margins, cancelled in blue PHILADA Pa. on dated letter-wrapper in beautiful quality from Philadelphia May 25, 1849, to New York
More...Starting price: € 300,00
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 10c black George Washington, Sc.2, a wonderful copy with very fine margins, cancelled in blue on undated letter-wrapper in fine quality from Detroit June 25 to Pittsburg
More...Starting price: € 500,00
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 10c green George Washington, Sc.14, large margined single, cancelled San Francisco Feb 5, 1856 (year written with pencil on the reverse), sent to New York
More...Starting price: € 100,00
USA, acknowledgement of the American ambassador John S. Rice to The Netherlands in The Hague Nov 29, 1963, on the death of President Kennedy
More...Starting price: € 50,00
PICTURE POSTCARDS depicting stamps with or without coat of arms, 40 different unused or sent colorful cards from the 1900s
More...Starting price: € 100,00
PUNTSTEMPELS, doublettenpartij tussen nr.1 en 256 op verschillende waarden Willem en Hangend Haar, geen 'dure' nummers, maar wel veel zegels met mooie afdrukken, opgezet in 4 insteekboeken
More...Starting price: € 200,00
PUNTSTEMPELS, tussen nr.1 en 255 op emissie Willem en Hangend Haar, alsmede een 50-tal plaatfouten op dezelfde emissies
More...Starting price: € 100,00
PUNTSTEMPELS, verz. tussen nr.1 en 255 op diverse waarden, meest Willem en Hangend Haar waarbij ook op div. tandingen en met vele bijzonder mooie afdrukken. Hoge cataloguswaarde!
More...Starting price: € 300,00
STEMPELS, merendeels puntstempels op nummer gesorteerd en met veel mooie afdrukken, tevens grootrond op 5 cent Bontkraag en wat overige klassieke stempels op losse zegels, in 2 insteekboeken
More...Starting price: € 100,00