5 Sen postcard ‘Commemorating Independence’ Bu.RJ6 bearing 2x 5 cent Dancer without written or stamped overprint from Solo -5.1.47 to Tegal
More...Starting price: € 75,00
5 Sen postcard ‘Commemorating Independence’ with additional 2 and 3 cent Dancer from Kedoeng-/Banteng 10.5.46 to Kediri
More...Starting price: € 100,00
10 Sen postcard Bu.RJ12 with open date bar cancellation Poerwokerto from Karangkobar to Djakarta
More...Starting price: € 100,00
10 Sen postcard Bu.RJ14 with straight-line cancellation KOETOARDJO and cds Koetoardjo 2.4.47.-8 to Magelang. Most unusual usage of the straight-line postmark
More...Starting price: € 100,00
10 Sen Soekarno postcard Bu.RJ23a bearing 20 cent postage due Kolff printing and 50 sen J34A from Toeren - to Poerworedjo, on forwarded to Wates Djokja
More...Starting price: € 100,00
10 Sen postcard ‘One Year of Independence’ Bu.RJ20r (crease) with open date bar cancellation Wonosobo, showing faint strike of the very rare sub-post office KALIWIRO to Magelang. Only 2 or 3 recorded (vNV.RR)
More...Starting price: € 75,00
10 Sen postcard for the Liberation Fund of One Year of Independence on glossy rose paper Bu.RJ19a from Goedo to Lawang. Despite humidity circle a very scarce card and little offered
More...Starting price: € 75,00
Pos Tentara. A.L.R.I. postcard, black on thin paper Bu.T14a, not cancelled, to Poerworedjo. Scarce!
More...Starting price: € 100,00
20 Sen J24 as single franking on money order Bu.RF4 (crease) to transfer 6 roepiah from Soember-/Poetjoeng to Modjowarno
More...Starting price: € 75,00
2 and 3 Sen Dance rand 20 cent Japanese occupation with overprint J13 on money order Bu.RF4 to transfer 4 roepiah from Kedoeng-/Banteng 20.4.46 to Madioen
More...Starting price: € 75,00
3½ Sen Japanese occupation with pen stoke through country name 5x and cancelled faint with framed ‘Repoeblik – Indonesia P.T.T.’ on the front and 1 cent Kreisler with red pen stroke through country name 4x on the reverse, on money order Bu.RF3c to transfer 19,70 roepiah from Solo 5.4.46 to Madioen
More...Starting price: € 100,00
2 Cent Dancer, 3 and 15 sen J28A, 31A on money order Bu.RF6 to transfer 1 roepiah from Soember-/Redjo to Madioen 27.1.47.-8
More...Starting price: € 100,00
5 Cent Dancer in pair and 10 cent Japanese occupation, all without written or stamped overprint, on international money order, for inland use instead of abroad, Bu.RF2 (on top small tear repaired) to transfer 8 roepiah from Blitar to Soerabaja - Rare postal form!
More...Starting price: € 300,00
40 Cent Japanese occupation and 60 cent with overprint J15 (damaged) on complete address card Bu.RF8 for a parcel of 2½ kg. from Goendih to Madioen
More...Starting price: € 150,00
30 Sen J27, 8x on the front and 2x on the reverse, folded over the edge, on complete address card Bu.RF8 for a parcel of 3,850 kg. from Malangpasar to Madioen, with the receipt form Pp 14 still affixed on the reverse. Rare
More...Starting price: € 400,00
2 Cent Dancer in sheet of 100 (some folds and stuck together) affixed on a complete address card Bu.RF8 for a parcel of 10 kg. from Wonogiri to Djakarta 27.1.6.-8. Most unusual
More...Starting price: € 400,00