GERMAN OCCUPATION ISSUES 1939/1945, Bohemia and Moravia incl. "Mährisch-Ostrau" 28/29 and 32/40 (opinion Paetow), Theresienstadt Registration stamp Mi. no. 1 unmounted mint and used (signed), Estonia, Channel Islands, Kurland, Laibach with many **(signed), Lithuania with Locals, Luxemburg, Montenegro, Serbia, Ukraine with f.i. 17/20 **, Zara, Flemish Legion sheetlets I/IV, Wall. Legion sheetles I/IV, French Legion Block 1 **, Fieldpost no. 5 (signed) and 7A (opinion Müller), and 7 covers from concentration camps Buchenwald, Dachau, Auschwitz(2), Flossenbürg, Sachsenhausen and Mauthausen. A very valuable collection in good quality in 2 stockbooks.
More...Starting price: € 1.000,00
GERMANY, 1939-1949, "The Invasion of Czechoslovakia", collection with 42 fieldpostcovers, "Übungsfeldpost", "SS-Feldpost" and regular fieldpost in Lindner album. (Website PDF)
More...Starting price: € 200,00
GERMANY, Occupation issues 1939-1945, Generalgouvernement, collection o/*/** and on cover/card, incl. proofs, plateflaws, officials etc., all on exhibit pages in a ringbinder. Beautiful collection with several rare items. (Website PDF)
More...Starting price: € 500,00
GERMANY, Allied Occupation Soviet Zone 1945-1949, o/*/** in thick stockbook, containing lots of printing-, colour- and perforation-varieties, incl. many better ones and good blocks. Nice specialized lot with very high cat. value (Website PDF)
More...Starting price: € 200,00
GERMANY, SBZ and DDR 1945-1964 o/*/** nice, fresh collection in Schaubek album with better sets and blocks
More...Starting price: € 100,00
GERMANY, 1946-2021 */** in 5 Schaubek albums, almost complete and mainly unmounted mint, cont. French Zone, incl. all the blocks, American and British Zone incl. good overprints and "Bauten", and a complete collection Federal Republic
More...Starting price: € 500,00
HUNGARY OCCUPATION ISSUES, Arad, Banat, Baranya, Debrecen, Temesvar and Szegedin, Local issues Sopron, Western Hungary and also some better from Hungary. This lot includes several opt.-varieties and is absolutely stunning for the specialist!
More...Starting price: € 200,00
ICELAND, 1873-1975 o/*/**, as good as complete collection in Davo album with all the better stamps, f.i. 1A*, 2B*, 6B, 18BI (signed Dr. Debo BPP), 19BI (cert. Gronlund), 19BII * (cert. Witschl), 35/47, 48/62, 69/75*, 111, 119/20, 125/39*, 141*, 142/46*, 167*, 172/74*, Officials 1B, 1C*, 2A*(cert.Gronlund), 42*, 44/58 etc. A very nice collection in good quality and with a very high cat. value
More...Starting price: € 1.500,00
ICELAND, 1873-2006, mainly used collection in 2 Davo albums with several good numbers and sets, f.i. Mi. 4, 5, 6/11, 47, 63/68, 69/74, 122/23, 142/46, 147/49, B1, D1, D3/8, D10/16 and D63/65. Nice lot with high cat. value
More...Starting price: € 200,00
ICELAND, 1876-2001 */**, collection in stockbook with sheets and booklets and some better sets, after 1946 mostly MNH
More...Starting price: € 150,00
ITALY, 1861-1977 o/*/** in Kabe album with several very good sets and singles and a very high vat. value
More...Starting price: € 1.000,00
ITALY, 1862-1979, mostly used collection in Davo album with several good sets and singles, f.i. Mi. 9b, 59, 97/98, 153/56, 161/64, 183/85, 188/92, 333/36, 345/57, 391/405, 415/34, 459/61, 479/83, 532/41, 773 and many more. Nice lot with high value
More...Starting price: € 750,00
MONACO, 1885-1980, o/*/** collection in album with several better items, f.i. Yv. 21**, 133/34, Postage Due 4 and 10(cert.), Airmail, Blocks etc.
More...Starting price: € 300,00
NORWAY, 1855-1968, extensive collection o/*/** specialized on types and colours, incl. the numbers 1/21, 67/69, 72/74, 251x, Retour I and II, Nice quality and high cat. value in a Lighthouse album
More...Starting price: € 500,00
POLAND, 1860-1960, comprehensive collection in 4 stockbooks incl. many rare stamps with local issues and associated areas, often used and unused, sometimes with duplicates. Lots of better singles, sets and blocks, good sections of Military Army issues in Italy and the Sovietunion, German Occupation during the first World War incl. Luboml, Przedborz, Sosnowice, Warswa, Zarki and Zawiercie, Local post overprints on former Austrian and German issues etc. Many stamps and covers signed by the experts: Mikulski, Jungjohann, Petriuk, Gryzewski and others. A very substantial collection which have been accumulated over many years, with a huge cat. value!
More...Starting price: € 2.000,00
RUSSIA-SOVIETUNION, 1857-1956 o/*/** in 1 stockbook with f.i. Mi. 15/23x unused, 39y (cert. Mikulski), 185IIA+B */**, 265y ** and many more
More...Starting price: € 300,00