NEDERLAND 2000-2014, € 1690 frankeergeldig materiaal in 6 albums
More...Starting price: € 500,00
NEDERLAND 1940-2000, o/*/** verzameling in 4 albums wb. 346/49, 534/37 beide in wisselvallige kwaliteit, aardig jaren vijftig, LP12/13 en iets Port
More...Starting price: € 100,00
DIVERSEN, in grote en kleine insteekboeken en 1 album en doosje wb. ook iets Nederland
More...Starting price: € 50,00
NEDERLAND 1900-1997, o/*/** doubletten-partij wb. veel blokken van vier, velletjes en automaatboekjes, in 23 insteekboeken/mappen en doosje, alsmede O.G.D. in 3 insteekboeken. Totaal in 2 verhuisdozen
More...Starting price: € 100,00
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH, North Borneo, Sarawak, Singapore and Brunei 1886-1959, o/* collection with several better numbers and sets
More...Starting price: € 200,00
GREECE 1883-1983, o/* on homemade albumpages with some useful numbers
More...Starting price: € 50,00
GERMANY 1936-1955, mostly mint never hinged, with parts of sheets, blocks of four, etc., etc., including 139/40 (20), 141/42 (bl. of 4), 143/46 (bl. of 4), 156/59 (bl. of 6) and several other better numbers and sets
More...Starting price: € 300,00
GREAT BRITAIN and BRITISH COMMONWEALTH, o/*/** in 1 stockbook, on stockpages and stockcards with several better numbers and sets with f.i.: Great Britain S.G. 92, 98, 156, 178, 320, 476/78c, Canada 132/34, 195, 284, South Rhodesia 78/91, etc., etc. For a good impression look on
More...Starting price: € 200,00
BELGIË, o/* wb. enkele aardige klassieke ex., op bladen en in insteekboek
More...Starting price: € 100,00
T.A.A.F. 1974-1996, mint never hinged Miniature sheets with several better ones with f.i.: 89/91, 96/97, 109/10, 148, 180, 230, 231,313, 328 and many more. Look on for images of the entire lot!
More...Starting price: € 300,00
WESTERN EUROPE and SCANDINAVIA, circular booklets with mainly used stamps and several useful numbers, remaining stamps still priced well over € 12.000. Look on for a good impression!
More...Starting price: € 300,00
BALKAN 1919-1960, o/*/** in 3 stockbooks with several good numbers with f.i.: Croatia 1/8, 24/38, Serbia Block 2, Bosnia Herzegovina 33/48, etc., etc. Go to our website for a good impression!
More...Starting price: € 200,00
SCANDINAVIA, MNH material in 4 stockbooks
More...Starting price: € 50,00
GERMANY, Occupation WW-II, in 2 albums and on album pages with f.;.: Allied Occ. Mi. I/IX type I and II (signed Schlegel) and Thüringen block 2t (II) with cert. Dr. Jasch
More...Starting price: € 200,00
JAPAN 1874-2009, o/*/** in 3 stockbooks with some better numbers and lots of useful thematic material
More...Starting price: € 100,00
RUSSIA and SOVIET UNION 1865-1975, o/*/** collection in 2 stockbooks with several better numbers and sets, perf.- and ovpt.-varieties. (Website PDF)
More...Starting price: € 200,00