Java. Three different 5 sen postcards, each bearing an Indonesian stamp but on one card the stamp has been removed, via the Dutch controlled post office at Batavia 9-1-1946 (2x and both censored in The Netherlands) and 16-1-1946, all from Dr. Robert Hausman to family in Amsterdam. Dr. Hausman, a physician, was working in those days in the Tjideng POW camp for women and young children
More...Starting price: € 200,00
Java. Three different 5 sen postcards, unused, two with different overprints Bu.RJ1c and RJ2 (overprint vertically shifted) and a copy with an overprint made by a typewriter (not recorded)
More...Starting price: € 100,00
Sumatra. 10 on 12½ Cent postal stationery envelope with handstamped T-overprint, and black 17 mm Rep. Indonesia overprint for North Sumatra, and with one lilac postage paid mark, unused. This is the only copy we have ever seen. Could be Bu.RSN6 (RRR) but with the postage paid mark. Exhibition item for the specialist!
More...Starting price: € 500,00
Sumatra. 3½ Cent postcard type Kreisler with black bar and black circular Indonesia P.T.T. overprint, and with one lilac postage paid mark Bu.RSN11, unused, and not listed as unused
More...Starting price: € 100,00
Sumatra. 3½ Cent postcard type Kreisler without Republican overprint but with black postage paid mark Bu.RSN11 bearing 3 and 5 cent Japanese occupation stamps of the definitive series, from Pagaralam 13.3.46. to Djakarta. The text contents are family affairs
More...Starting price: € 100,00
Sumatra. 3½ Cent postcard type Kreisler with, most likely (see left of the left postage due), in black the two-line Benkoelen overprint ´Repoeblik Indonesia´ in frame (type 42, KPI type S.T.4.2), from Boekittinggi (written date) 30.4.47 to a sister in Padang, underfranked therefor 3x 20 cent postage due with violet Dai Ni Hon Yubin overprint, cancelled -8.5.47. Maybe a stamp or label was stucked above the sender´s address and is removed. Nevertheless a most interesting postcard!
More...Starting price: € 200,00
Folder. Small but interesting collection of used and unused stamps from Java and Sumatra, without or with Japanese and/or Republican overprints, including some goodies, on two stock cards
More...Starting price: € 300,00
Folder. Sumatra. 8 Postcards (1 sent) and 5 philatelic covers, some franked with rather scarce individual stamps
More...Starting price: € 200,00
NICA SOEMBA overprints on 16 unused stamps and NICA TIMOR on 2 stamps, 1 genuinely used
More...Starting price: € 100,00
NEDERLAND PUNTSTEMPELS, 20 zegels (zeer fraaie t/m prachtexemplaren) met alleen maar betere en (zeer) zeldzame nummers op diverse emissies en waarden
More...Starting price: € 300,00
NEDERLAND KLEINRONDSTEMPELS, 44 zegels (vrijwel pracht- en prachtexemplaren) met alleen maar betere en schaarse kantoren, inclusief wat traject- en stationsstempels, op diverse emissies en waarden, merendeels volledige afstempelingen!
More...Starting price: € 300,00
NEDERLAND GROOTRONDSTEMPELS, 22 zegels (vrijwel pracht- en prachtexemplaren) met alleen maar betere en (zeer) zeldzame kantoren, w.o. ´sGraveland op 1 gulden nr. 28, Scheveningen 2 en Amsterdam/R.V.Z.B., op diverse emissies en waarden, merendeels volledige afstempelingen!
More...Starting price: € 300,00
EMISSIE 1852, verschillende subtypen halfrond-francostempels type C van Amsterdam op 5 cent (8x w.o. C type X en XI, mogelijk ook XII en XIII), 10 cent (9x incl. 1 paar w.o. C type XI) en 15 cent (2x C type I op briefstukje), merendeels mooi tot zeer breed gerande zegels, typen volgens handboek Jan de Haan & Marc Snoeren
More...Starting price: € 200,00
NEDERLAND STEMPELS, 8 zegels emissies 1864, 1867 en 1869 met aardige stempels w.o. nr. 6 met Hoog-Carspel
More...Starting price: € 100,00
Div. afstempelingen op blanco bladen wb. trajectstempels, halte-, punt en langstempels
More...Starting price: € 50,00
Manuscript uit 1601 van ´Het Onze Vader´ op papier van ca. 5 x 15 cm inclusief diverse documentatie
More...Starting price: € 75,00