AUSTRIA, 1850-1865, specialized classic stamps, mainly with beautiful cancellations with several rare and expensive nos. incl. 6 certificates. Opportunity for the cancel-finders!
More...Starting price: € 300,00
BELGIË, 1863-1933, (*)/*/**, op insteekbladen, ietwat wisselvallige kwaliteit, maar met vele goede nummers zoals: OBP 9 (2), 28, 31,32, 37 (cert. Balasse), 39 (2), 47 (2), 51 (2), 64/67, 74/80, 92/107, 122 (2), 135/149, 150/163, 165/178, 179/181 ongetand!, 351/52, 337/83, etc. Hoge cataloguswaarde!
More...Starting price: € 750,00
BELGIË, 1924-1954, */** met goede TBC-series, Kardinaal Mercier, tweede Orval, blokken van vier, paren, etc. Prachtig kavel met hoge cataloguswaarde!
More...Starting price: € 500,00
BELGIË, 1930-1941, */**, kleine verzameling Reclamezegels en voorafstempelingen waarbij betere o.a. Pu.67/72
More...Starting price: € 200,00
BELGIË, 1941-1944, Vlaamse en Waalse Legioen OBP nrs. E22/E25 getande velletjes (2 x), E26/29, E26/E29 getande velletjes, E30/E33 ongetande velletjes, E34/E37 getande velletjes, E38/E43 getande velletjes met nummer en een ongetande serie E44/E48, alles in nette postfrisse kwaliteit. Cat.wrd. € 6330
More...Starting price: € 1.000,00
BELGIË 1952 en 1953, de complete jaargangen, elk 6 x postfris in mooie kwaliteit. Cat.wrd. € 7290
More...Starting price: € 500,00
BELGIË SPOORWEGEN, 1895-1953, ongebr. resp. postfris op Davo bladen wb. de series OBP.15/27, 79/99 en 178/201. Mooie koop met zeer hoge cataloguswaarde
More...Starting price: € 500,00
BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA, 40F, 45 Heller brown-red, perforated 11½ in a used pair! cancelled "Mil. Post Banja Luka 23-5-10". The trappist monks of the Mariastern monastery in the diocese of Banja Luka used to distribute their famous cheeses to their many customers by post. In order to save time, the trappists took care of all the formalities before handing over their parcels to the postal services. They created themselves mechianicaly the perforation in their binding workshop. Only 12 singles and 4 pairs are know with this perforation. Extremely rare! Shown on the "Philatelique de Monaco", on exhibit page
More...Starting price: € 1.000,00
BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA, Serbian Republic Mi. 167/68 in unmounted mint sheetlets. Cat. value € 1000
More...Starting price: € 150,00
DENMARK, 2, 2 Rigsbankskilling, Ferslew printing, type 7, Plate II-pos.81 cancelled with black mute canceller, VF with certificate Erik Paaskesen (1987)
More...Starting price: € 300,00
DENMARK, 1851-1935, o/*/** accumulation on stockcards with f.i.: nos. 1 in various colours, a very nice no. 2, 66 in block of 4, 180/81 used and unused, a nice selection of the older issues and 4 covers
More...Starting price: € 300,00
DENMARK, 1918-1950, MNH accumulation, mainly in blocks of 4 with better nos. f.i.: Mi. 116/17, 162, Postage Due 17, Greenland 37/38, etc. High cat. value
More...Starting price: € 200,00
DENMARK , Advertising label pairs, mostly used collection with several better nos. on stockpages. Very nice lot of this popular area whith a cat. value Facit appr. SEK.33.000
More...Starting price: € 300,00
DENMARK, Charity stamps and Chrimas Seals on 2 stockcards
More...Starting price: € 50,00
DANISH WEST INDIES, 1855-1915, mainly unused collection on album pages with 1/4, 13, 14/15, 29/37, etc., also 2 envelopes and 3 postcards (unused)
More...Starting price: € 100,00
DANISH WEST INDIES, 1855-1915, unused stamps with some varieties contains f.i.: Mi. 1/2, 4, 8 (6), 13, 14 (3) and Facit nos. 9bVI in pair, 24bVI. Nice lot
More...Starting price: € 100,00