NEDERLANDSE ANTILLEN en SURINAME 1949-2001, meest postfrisse verzameling, wb. aardige nrs. en series, in 1 album en 3 insteekboeken
More...Starting price: € 100,00

EUROPE, o/*/** in 7 stockbooks with Turkey, Greece, Germany, France, etc., also 3 stockbooks Thematic stamps (Airplanes)
More...Starting price: € 100,00

NEDERLAND, verzameling Fdcs tussen E12-E705 in 6 banden, in het begin beschreven/getypt adres, alsmede iets diversen
More...Starting price: € 150,00

GREAT BRITAIN 1964-2000, presentation packs in 6 Royal Mail albums with well over £.400 face value
More...Starting price: € 100,00

GERMANY, Federal Republic and Berlin 1949-2001, */** nearly complete collection in 3 Lighthouse and 1 Davo album
More...Starting price: € 200,00

NEDERLAND en O.G.D. 1900-1992, verzameling in 6 albums, wb. nr. 130 * (2) en enkele goede vooroorlogse series
More...Starting price: € 100,00

WORLDWIDE, o/*/** in 19 stockbooks with several better numbers from f.i.: Br. Commonwealth, China, Denmark, France, Italy, USA and so on. For a good impression go to our website
More...Starting price: € 200,00

TOPICS, Space Exploration, Astronomy and Telecommunication on Postal Stationary, covers and First Day Covers up to 2010, in 23 small ringbinders
More...Starting price: € 300,00

GREAT BRITAIN 1965-2016, collection First Day Covers in 9 Royal Mail albums
More...Starting price: € 200,00

GERMAN EMPIRE 1872-1945, o/*/** collection in 5 stockbooks with several better numbers and sets. Visit our website for a good impression
More...Starting price: € 100,00

WORLD, o/*/** in 4 stockbooks/binders with nice thematic material, mainly USA and Sweden
More...Starting price: € 50,00

NEDERLAND 2001-2015, € 510 frankeergeldig materiaal in insteekboek, PTT-mapjes en verz. De Canon van Nederland
More...Starting price: € 100,00

USA and CANADA 1981-1995, Yearbooks. USA 1992-1995, Canada 1981-1991
More...Starting price: € 50,00

O.G.D., Curaçao, Ned. Antillen, Ned.-Indië en Indonesië 1915-1995, o/*/** in 6 Davo albums en 1 insteekboek, wb. aardige nummers en series zoals Indonesië 360/61, 383/88, Ris en Riau opdrukken, etc., etc., alsmede klein deel Japanse Bezetting
More...Starting price: € 300,00

INDONESIË 1949-2012, uitgebreide verzameling */** in 6 albums en 2 insteekboeken wb. Ris- en Riau opdrukken, blokken, souvenir sheets, boekjes, etc., etc.
More...Starting price: € 400,00

WORLDWIDE, o/*/** in 11 albums/stockbooks with mostly standard material
More...Starting price: € 50,00