Auction 651

10 april 2024 14:00 - 13 april 2024
Lots: 2115, Prebid: no, Live Auction: yes, More...
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Lot 1549

Lot 1549
Java. 1 Cent Kreisler no. 15b and 2½ cent Dancer no. 67 on a pink postcard from Semarang to Djakarta
Starting price: € 75,00

Lot 1550

Lot 1550
Java. 10 Cent Moehammadijah no. 64 on postcard (repaired, crease and other traces of use) from Palmerah 24.11.02 to Soerabaja. The typed message is business, by no means philatelic, the correct rate is 3½ cent, maybe the sender thought it was similar to the letter rate or did not have another stamp available. Very nice strike of the pmk from the scarce sub-post office
Starting price: € 75,00

Lot 1551

Lot 1551
Java. 2 Cent and 2½ cent Kreisler in pair and 3 cent single nos. 16b, 17b and 18b and 4 cent Dancer in pair no. 69, together a nice franking to make up the rate of 20 cent for the cover of the 2nd weight class from Tjiledoek 14.9.02 to the Sugar Affairs in Soerabaja, showing in red Japanese military permission cachet Bu.JC45a
Starting price: € 100,00

Lot 1552

Lot 1552
Java. 3 Cent Kreisler (2x) no. 18b and 4 cent Dancer no. 69 on an attractive franked envelope (2 sides opened, Japanese print on the back) from Bandoeng 18.6.03 to Djakarta
Starting price: € 75,00

Lot 1553

Lot 1553
Java. 5 Cent Dancer no. 70 in pair on cover from Soerabaja 21.12.02 to Sapporo, Japan
Starting price: € 200,00

Lot 1554

Lot 1554
Java. 3½ Sen from the series of commemorative stamps as a single franking on picture postcard (nice drawing of a Javanese couple) from Soerabaja -4.2.04 to Osaka, Japan. Scarce!
Starting price: € 200,00

Lot 1555

Lot 1555
Java. 10 Sen Commemorative stamp no. 04, 1 single and 1 pair on a cover from the Yokohama Shokin Bank in Malang on 30.10.03 registered to the Nanpo Kaihatsu Bank in Djakarta 1.11.03.-8, further to Djakartakota, showing in black Japanese Kaki Tome = registered
Starting price: € 75,00

Lot 1556

Lot 1556
Java. 10 and 40 Cent definitive issue on cover of the 2nd weight class from the Yokohama Shokin Bank in Djakartakota 4.4.05 registered to the Yokohama Shokin Bank in Syonan (backstamped, but unclear). Registration label of Batavia overstamped with Djakartakota. Tariff: 20 cent postage for a cover 20-50 grams + 30 cent registration fee
Starting price: € 100,00

Lot 1557

Lot 1557
Java. Postage free official mail (Koo Yoo) from Djakartakota 4.8.03 to the Soekaboemi estate in Paree, showing propaganda cachet AWAS mata-mata/moesoeh! (beware of enemy spies!)
Starting price: € 75,00

Lot 1558

Lot 1558
Java. Meter Frankings. Franking machine no. 27 from the Van Dorp printing company of 003½ Ct on postcard (crease) from Soerabaja -5.8.2 to a shop in Randoeblatoeng. See: vNV. P.402-403, RRR
Starting price: € 75,00

Lot 1559

Lot 1559
Java. 3½ Cent definitive issue (corner missing) on yellow reply-paid postcard from Bandoeng 1.7.03 to a sister in Lawang, and 5 cent definitive issue (corner missing) on a complete money order (receipt 2 pinholes repaired) Bu.JF23 from Serang 13.6.05 to Siti in Pandeglang, (Tida kenal = unknown, Kembali Sipengirim = return to sender), from Pandeglang 14.6.05 to Serang 23.8.05
Starting price: € 75,00

Lot 1560

Lot 1560
Java. 10 Cent definitive issue on identity card Bu.JF30 cancelled Soekaboemi 4.4.05 showing Mahmoed’s finger prints
Starting price: € 100,00

Lot 1561

Lot 1561
Java. Postal Savings Bank booklet (Kartoe Taboengan Pos = Chokin Kyoku di Djawa), on the front the personal details have not been entered, completely filled with 20 postal savings bank stamps of 5 sen, cancelled Djokjakarta 1.9.04 which is the earliest known date for these stamps
Starting price: € 200,00

Lot 1562

Lot 1562
Java. Revenues. Two Netherlands Indies imprinted paper of 1½ G. (= gulden = roepiah) from the year 1941 (Japanese seal on the imprint) in Arab and from the year 1942 in Indonesian, from Rembang 31 Go-gatsu (= May) 2603, nos. JJG-1-6/7
Starting price: € 75,00

Lot 1563

Lot 1563
Java. Revenues. Five complete and 2 parts of Payrolls (= Daftar Oepah) of the tax office to be completed by the employer (of which one complete payroll in Indonesian and Japanese language) bearing wage revenues of several values, both from the pre-war period (issued 1938) nos. JJL-1 and the definitive issue of the Japanese occupation nos. JJL-2, used between July 1942 (2602) and April 1945 (2605). Also receipt from the coffee and rubber estate Soekamade bearing -,15 sen documentary revenue no. JJP-5 from 17 June 1943
Starting price: € 100,00

Lot 1564

Lot 1564
Sumatra. Definitive issue. Ten perforated colour proofs nos. 03pba/d, 04pba, 04pbd, 07pba/b, 11pbb, 11pbe, imperforated np. 11pc in pair, issued 3½ cent no. 04 and 10 cent no. 07 two copies with misperforations
Starting price: € 100,00