RUSSIAN EMPIRE and SOVIET UNION 1866-1991, o/*/** in 5 thick dealer books and 4 stockbooks with better numbers and sets
More...Starting price: € 200,00

WORLD, o/*/** accumulation in 10 stockbooks with some better numbers and good thematic sets. All a bit messy and mixed up, but a perfect lot for the adventurer.
More...Starting price: € 100,00

GERMANY appr. 1949-1992, o/*/** in 5 albums and 6 stockbooks with some nice sets and many booklets and the amount of face value is € 500
More...Starting price: € 200,00

TOPICS, mainly */** accumulation in 26 albums and 20 stockbooks with a lot of useful material with i.e.: Flora and Fauna, Red Cross, Sport, Airplanes, Space, Religion, etc., etc., a nice lot with a lot of miniature and souvenir sheets and an enormous catalog value, perfect for the internet dealer! Total in 5 moving boxes. Visit our site for a good impression
More...Starting price: € 500,00

AUSTRALIA 1913-1995, o/*/** in 2 Davo albums including Australian Antarctica (1957-1993) with better numbers, after 1966 all MNH!
More...Starting price: € 100,00

AUSTRIA 1850-1983, used collection in 3 stockbooks with perforation and paper varieties, some better numbers from the Republic incl. Mi. 952/54 and 984/87
More...Starting price: € 100,00

BALKAN, BALTIC and EASTERN EUROPE, */** in 5 stockbooks and on pages with several better numbers, sets and ranges, perf. and other varieties, overprints, etc., etc., including a.o: Albania Mi. 6, 7, 18/23, block 3, Bulgaria 1058/62 imperf. varieties, block 106F, Hungary 128/44, 145/61, blocks 20/22, 1758/61B in miniature sheets, Poland 212, 258v, 390 I/X, 445/47, 1004 miniature sheets, Romania 146/53, 468/73 and 1171/76 miniature sheets!, Slovakia 1/22, etc., etc.
More...Starting price: € 300,00

TOPIC BIRDS, o/*/** in 4 stockbooks with some better numbers f.i.: Austria Mi. 985/86, etc., etc. For a better impression visit our website
More...Starting price: € 100,00

NEDERLAND ARBEIDSLIJSTEN, mooi op 37 bladen opgezette, niet geheel complete verzameling van complete ongebruikte formulieren en van de meeste aanwezige formulieren ook een gebruikte kaart, tevens documentatie en 5 Arbeidslijsten (Arbeidswet 1919) om 'Op te hangen op eene plaats welke vrij toegankelijk is voor alle in de inrichting werkzame arbeiders.'
More...Starting price: € 200,00

WORLD, Postal history with the majority France and some Colonies with some better cancels and frankings, censored, pre-philatelic, etc., etc. Take your time for viewing
More...Starting price: € 100,00

NEDERLAND 2002-2022, € 1765 frankeergeldig materiaal in 5 insteekboeken en op insteekkaartjes
More...Starting price: € 500,00

EASTERN EUROPE, BALTIC STATES and BALKAN, o/* accumulation in 5 stockbooks and on pages with some better material and varieties
More...Starting price: € 100,00

NEDERLAND 1852-1999, o/*/** in 4 Davo de luxe albums met enkele betere nummers
More...Starting price: € 50,00

EASTERN EUROPE and BALKAN, o/*/** in 3 albums, 6 stockbooks and on pages with Hungary, Yugoslavia, Montenegro and Poland. For images visit our website
More...Starting price: € 100,00

NEDERLAND 1852-2001, o/*/** in 3 albums en 1 insteekboek met aardige nummers en series, Port, Luchtpost, Dienst en automaatboekjes
More...Starting price: € 200,00

NEDERLAND, € 1850 frankeergeldig materiaal waarbij Mooi en Grenzeloos Nederland, Anton Pieck en los in doosje wb. 3 gouden en 4 zilveren zegels
More...Starting price: € 500,00