Auction 645

15 april 2021 13:00 - 17 april 2021
Lots: 2600, Prebid: no, Live Auction: yes, More...
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Lot 1852

Lot 1852
30Bb. Temples and Buildings 1949. 80 Sen in block of 4 (brown gum) with the bottom perforated and the other 3 sides imperforated. Very rare
Starting price: € 400,00

Lot 1853

Lot 1853
64w/65w. Flag & Coat of Arms, imperforated KPI 39A in pair and 40A, different colors
Starting price: € 150,00

Lot 1854

Lot 1854
RIS. 1 Rupiah overprinted RIS in block of 4, in pair with mirror printing (KPI 58m), and on censored cover in block of 4 with 7½ sen Smelt from Djakartakota 28.11.50 to the USA
Starting price: € 50,00

Lot 1855

Lot 1855
President Soekarno. 1 Rupiah (corner block of 4) and 4 rupiah showing paper weld (printed on 2 pieces of paper, Dutch: papierlas), and 1 rupiah mint in corner block of 4 with misperforation
Starting price: € 400,00

Lot 1856

Lot 1856
President Soekarno. 1 Rupiah with unprinted spot due to clipping mark on the paper during printing process. Single and block of 4 of the 1 rupiah with overprint IRIAN BARAT KPI IB-1, 17A and 2 rupiah KPI 84A
Starting price: € 150,00

Lot 1857

Lot 1857
101/106. UNO 6th Anniversary 1951. Set with red SPECIMEN and pin hole in blocks of 4, and 35 sen in mirror printing in block of 4
Starting price: € 200,00

Lot 1858

Lot 1858
119A/126A. Natural Disasters Fund 1954. Set imperforated and Rp 5 also in block of 4
Starting price: € 100,00

Lot 1859

Lot 1859
127A/132A. Child Welfare 1954. 10 Sen in block of 4 with variety ´top is unperforated´ KPI 127B, imperforated ungummed set and ordinary set in mint blocks of 6 with sheet margin with etching numbers (15 sen: 103 changed into 104)
Starting price: € 200,00

Lot 1860

Lot 1860
133A/136A. Asian African Conference 1955. Set imperforated and including different colors, in pairs
Starting price: € 75,00

Lot 1861

Lot 1861
133A/136A. Asian African Conference 1955. Set imperforated and including different color (excluding 135Aa) in blocks of 4
Starting price: € 100,00

Lot 1862

Lot 1862
133/136. Asian African Conference 1955. Set imperforated and including different colors KPI 133A/136A and 35 sen KPI 134 in 2 blocks of 4 and 1 block of 8, all blocks with sheet margins
Starting price: € 100,00

Lot 1863

Lot 1863
133/136. Asian African Conference 1955. 8 First day covers with imperforated series (5 including the 35 sen KPI 134Aw), and 2 FDCs with a mix of perforated and imperforated series
Starting price: € 500,00

Lot 1864

Lot 1864
137A/141A. First National Scout Jamboree 1955. Set imperforated in pairs
Starting price: € 100,00

Lot 1865

Lot 1865
142A/145A. Independence 10th Anniversary 1955. Imperforated set in blocks of 4 with sheet margin
Starting price: € 100,00

Lot 1866

Lot 1866
150wa/150wc. Indonesian 1st Elections 1955. 15 Sen in 3 different colors, blocks of 4 (so far largest multiple known)
Starting price: € 200,00

Lot 1867

Lot 1867
161A/163A. Asian and African Students Conference 1956. Set imperforated in pairs
Starting price: € 100,00