Sumatra. Banka & Billiton. Revaluation. 3½ Cent Kreisler postcard with red Gunseibu In overprint, violet large 2 and violet ´Harga 3½ sen´ in frame Bu.41 from Blinjoe 9.3.3.-7 to Djakarta. Scarce postcard in wonderful condition!
Meer...Inzet: € 400,00

Sumatra. Banka & Billiton. Revaluation. 3½ Cent Kreisler postcard with violet Gunseibu In overprint, violet large 2 and violet ´Harga 3½ sen´ in frame Bu.45 from Blinjoe 28.10.3.-8 to Djatinegara. Scarce postcard in wonderful condition!
Meer...Inzet: € 400,00

Sumatra. Banka & Billiton. Revaluation. 3½ Cent Kreisler postcard with violet Gunseibu In overprint, violet large 2 and two black medium 3½ overprints Bu.47 from Blinjoe 18.2.43.-7 to Djakarta. Rare postcard in wonderful quality!
Meer...Inzet: € 400,00

Sumatra. Banka & Billiton. Revaluation. 3½ Cent Kreisler postcard with violet Gunseibu In overprint, violet large 2 and black large 3½ overprint Bu.47 used in the Residency of Palembang, written at Talang Djawa 30-7-2603, from Palembang to Tandjongradja. Very rare
Meer...Inzet: € 400,00

Sumatra. Banka & Billiton. Revaluation. 7½ Cent letter sheet with red Gunseibu In overprint, violet large 5 and handwritten 8 with initials, Bu. not listed, with several censors like with sewing machine, from Muntok - to Djakarta. Very rare item in wonderful quality!
Meer...Inzet: € 500,00

Sumatra. Banka & Billiton. Revaluation. 7½ Cent letter sheet with violet Gunseibu In overprint, violet large 5 and a faint violet ´Harga 8 sen in frame Bu.53 written at Belinjoe 15-Djioe-gatsu-2604 (Oct?), very faint strike of the Blinjoe cds, sent to Djakarta
Meer...Inzet: € 100,00

Sumatra. General Printings. 25 Gulden Van Konijnenburg with handstamped T-overprint no. 913z-58 on piece of paper, cancelled Padang 20.7.20 (pen notes are from expert B. Hiegentlich). Ex Van Strieland. € 340
Meer...Inzet: € 200,00

Sumatra. General Printings. 5 and 10 Gulden Van Konijnenburg with machine T-overprint nos. 924z-56, 57, both unused
Meer...Inzet: € 75,00

Sumatra. General Printings. Varieties of machine T-overprints. 10 Cent van Konijnenburg with inverted machine T-overprint, 80 cent with partly missing overprint and 2x 1 gulden with inverted overprint, all unused
Meer...Inzet: € 75,00

Sumatra. General Printings. Varieties of machine T-overprints. 10 Cent Van Konijnenburg with inverted overprint in block of four and single, double of which one inverted and shifted, all cancelled
Meer...Inzet: € 75,00

Sumatra. General Printings. 10 Cent Van Konijnenburg with machine T-overprint no. 922z-43II as a single franking on a cover from Boekittinggi 19.4.22 to Djakarta, and no. 922z-43bg as a single franking on a cover (top edge slightly cut off) from Tandjongbalei 19.4.26 to Djakarta
Meer...Inzet: € 75,00

Sumatra. General Printings. 10 Cent on 12½ cent postal stationery envelope with handstamped T-overprint Bu.187 with Netherlands 5 and 12½ cent (pair) Van Konijnenburg and 35 cent Van Konijnenburg in pair, all with black handstamped T-overprint, nos. 912z-59, 60 and 49, from Medan 19.7.12 registered to Soerabaja 2.8.04 (pen notes are from expert B. Hiegentlich)
Meer...Inzet: € 75,00

Sumatra. General Printings. 7½ Cent Dancer with handstamped T-overprint no. 918z-71 as a single franking on a home-made postcard from Tandjongbalei 20.9.-7 to Djakarta
Meer...Inzet: € 75,00

Riouw Islands. 4 Cent Postcard for Malaya Bu.195 from Tandjongpinang 2604-6.1. (Japanese postmark vNV. type 296) to Djakarta. On the reverse an array of occupation stamps, including two pairs of 2 cent orange Straits Settlements with red overprint 121r-M3 which is rare!
Meer...Inzet: € 200,00

Riouw Islands. 4 Cent Postcard for Malaya Bu.195 (crease) from Dabosingkep 9-30-2603 (Japanese postmark vNV. type 295, R) to Djakarta. Scarce
Meer...Inzet: € 100,00

South Celebes. 35 Cent Van Konijnenburg with black Makasser anchor overprint no. 112z-49, one copy with one overprint and one copy with double overprint (not listed)
Meer...Inzet: € 200,00