AUSTRIA and Lombardy/Venice 1850-1867, o/(*)/* on 2 stockcards with a selection of this period in mixed quality, but with several better items
Meer...Inzet: € 200,00

AZORES and MADEIRA 1868, o/(*)/* in mixed quality on stockcards, Azores with Mi. 1 (*) (thin), 3/6 *, and Madeira 1/4 *, etc.
Meer...Inzet: € 200,00

BELGIË 1849-1863, gebruikt op 3 insteekkaarten en 2 brieven, onuitgezocht op stempels
Meer...Inzet: € 100,00

BELGIË 1952 en 1953, de complete jaargangen, elk 6 x postfris in mooie kwaliteit. Cat.wrd. € 7290
Meer...Inzet: € 500,00

BELGIË en NEDERLAND, klassiek o/(*)/* op 2 insteekkaarten
Meer...Inzet: € 100,00

CRETE 1900-1910, */** on stockpages with mainly good numbers and sets, f.i.: Mi.1/9 (red and black ovpt.), 19/27, 30/40, 46F (sign.), 47/54, 55/64, postage due including 16F, Occupation, etc., etc.
Meer...Inzet: € 200,00

DANMARK 1851-1864, o/(*) on stockcard with f.i.: Mi. 6, 8 (*) (2), 10 very fine, 12, 15, etc.
Meer...Inzet: € 100,00

GREENLAND 1905-1945, used on albumpages including f.i.: Mi.8/16, Packagestamps 4/12A and 13
Meer...Inzet: € 100,00

FRANCE, Ceres 1849-1850, 1/7 (*)/* on stockcard in mixed quality with nr.1 * and 4 * signed Calves, 5 signed Roumet, the other stamps without gum, all guaranteed genuine and mostly signed Calves. Huge catalog value!
Meer...Inzet: € 1.500,00

FRANCE 1852, Yv.9 (*), fine, signed Calves and Brun and no.10 *
Meer...Inzet: € 500,00

FINLAND 1856-1868, o/(*), on stockcard with Mi. 1 (2) multiple signed, f.i. Calves, etc, in mixed quality
Meer...Inzet: € 300,00

FRANCE, 1860 Empire, Yv.11/18 (*)/* on stockcard in mixed quality, all guaranteed genuine and with a huge catalog value
Meer...Inzet: € 500,00

FRANCE, 1862 Empire, between Yv. nos. 19 and 32 (*)/* on stockcard in mixed quality, nos. 20 and 24 both unused and signed Calves, very high catalog value!
Meer...Inzet: € 300,00

FRANCE, complete letter bearing 40c Yv.23 tied by numeral and dots pmk (losange gros chiffres) 2488 from Paris/Montmartre 27 June 1867 via Marseille 29 June and Alexandria 5 July, further to Ismaïlia (on the Suex Canal). The postage of 40 cent. is to Alexandria only, see P.P. in frame. Wonderful cover!
Meer...Inzet: € 100,00

FRANCE, Ballon Monté. The Richard Wallace accident. Cover bearing 20 cent. Siège de Paris Yv.37 from Paris Serpentin 25 Jan 1871 ´Par Ballon monté´ with destination Toulouse, but the balloon which left on 27 Jan fell into the Atlantic Ocean, and after the discovery of the bags the letters were repaired by the postal services. On the back the arrival pmk of Toulouse 9 April. Signed J.F. Brun, cert. Soluphil (1982). Very rare postal item and a highlight for any Ballon Monté exhibition collection
Meer...Inzet: € 750,00

FRANCE, Boule de Moulins. Envelope, with complete original letter enclosed, from Nantes 4 Jan 1871 ´par moulins (allier)´ to Paris, bearing 1870 Bordeaux Issue 80 cent. rose Yv.49 and 20 cent. blue (type 2) Yv.45 paying 20 cent. postage and 40 cent. each for the inventor of the system and for the agent in Paris at the Hotel de Ville. Information enclosed. Cert. Peter Holcombe (1988): ´... It is in my opinion genuine. The Boules were floated down the Seine but most were not found until many decades later and of course were all effected by moisture.´
Meer...Inzet: € 500,00