SCANDINAVIA, Localpost, nice collection in stockbook including booklets, postal stationery and varieties. Visit our website for a good impression
Meer...Inzet: € 200,00
SWEDEN 1855-1978, mainly used collection in Davo album with several better numbers and i.e.: Mi.6 (3), 8, 13, 17/26A, 96, 158, 159/73, good selection Back of the Book, etc., etc.
Meer...Inzet: € 200,00
SWEDEN 1855-1997, mainly used collection in 2 albums with several good numbers i.e.: Mi.6 (used and unused), 9, 13, 15, 17/26A, 144/58, 159/173, good selection Se-tenants incl. 256I B/Dr and 256I Dl/B and 285 B/Dr, etc., etc.
Meer...Inzet: € 300,00
SWEDEN 1855-2013, used collection in 3 Davo albums with several better numbers and sets i.e.: Mi.8, 15, 17/26, 106, 144/58, 159/73, Se-tenants, Blocks and Booklets, etc., etc.
Meer...Inzet: € 300,00
SWITZERLAND, 280+ cover/cards with a nice range of different frankings, sets and single-franking, First day, etc., in ringbinder
Meer...Inzet: € 200,00
SWITZERLAND 1850-1980, o/*/** in 2 albums with several good numbers and sets with f.i.: Mi.5IIa, 7Ia (both befund), extensive part Sitting and Standing Helvetia, Military stamps, good block's, Airmail, Postage Due and Service. Nice lot with high value!!
Meer...Inzet: € 500,00
SWITZERLAND 1938-1963, mainly unmounted mint collection in a Lindner album with good sets and blocks and a high cat. value
Meer...Inzet: € 200,00
SWITZERLAND, o/*/** in three stockbooks with better sets in blocks of four with central cancels and MNH. Nice lot
Meer...Inzet: € 200,00
SWITZERLAND, Back of the Book o/*/** in stockbook with better sets en numbers, cat. value according to the vendor € 3900
Meer...Inzet: € 200,00
SWITZERLAND, Int. Organisations 1922-1975, used collection in Davo album with several good numbers and sets i.e: Mi. SDN 1/15, 26/35, BIT 1/14, ONU 12/20, etc., etc. Catalog value well over € 3300
Meer...Inzet: € 200,00
UNITED EUROPE 1956-2014, cpl. collection MNH in 2 thick stockbooks incl. all the Balkan- and Eastern European issues, some of which are hard to find, huge cat. value
Meer...Inzet: € 1.000,00
PAPAL STATE and VATICAN 1852-1974, */** collection in 1 album with several good numbers including Mi.33, 39/44, 45/50, 147/48, 160/62, 205/06 and 185/86
Meer...Inzet: € 300,00