Auction 650

11 oktober 2023 14:00 - 14 oktober 2023
Kavels: 2349, Prebid: nee, Live Veiling: ja, Meer...
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Kavel 1726

Kavel 1726
Java. 3½ + 3½ Cent postcard with reply-paid card attached Bu.2 sent from Bataviacentrum (= Djakarta) 18.8.02 to Bandoeng, the reply-card from Bandoeng 31.8.02 back to Djakarta. This double card showing both the outward card and the still attached reply-card genuinely used is very scarce!
Inzet: € 100,00

Kavel 1727

Kavel 1727
Java. 3½ Cent postcard Bu.J11 cancelled in blue with the train-halt postmark GANDROENGMANGOEN (vNV.065, RR) via Maos 30.5.04 (Malay-Japanese cancel, vNV.100) to Semarang. Wonderful and rare item!
Inzet: € 100,00

Kavel 1728

Kavel 1728
Java. 2 Sen Kusunoki Red Warrior postcard without overprint (which is rare) cancelled with the commemorative cachet 'One year reopening of the postal service on 29 April 1943', the birthday of the Japanese emperor. The colour is red-violet or lilac-red, which is used in Djakarta and Soerabaja
Inzet: € 75,00

Kavel 1729

Kavel 1729
Java. 3½ Sen postcard Bu.6 bearing 5 cent Dancer (6x) from Soerabaja 23.7.05 registered to Magelang 24.7.05. The new rate as of 1 July 1945 was 5 sen for a postcard and 30 sen for registration fee. Because previously sold 3½ sen cards were still accepted, the franking of this card is 33½ sen. Interesting item!
Inzet: € 100,00

Kavel 1730

Kavel 1730
Java. 2 Cent Moehammadijah in pair on green postcard from Djokjakarta 31.12.02 to Bogor. The postal rate is 3½ cent, maybe the sender liked to use the 2 cent green Moehammadijah stamp instead of the brown 3½ cent or does not have a 3½ cent available. The printed text lower left suggests to use Moehammadijah stamps
Inzet: € 100,00

Kavel 1731

Kavel 1731
Java. 2½ Cent Dancer in pair on locally sent cover from Soerabaja 24.6.03 for which the postal local rate is 5 cent. Very nice franking of this official mail (Koo Yoo) in superb quality
Inzet: € 75,00

Kavel 1732

Kavel 1732
Java. 2 Sen from the series of commemorative stamps as a single franking for printed matter rate on cover from Djakartakota 26.3.03 to Soekaboemi
Inzet: € 100,00

Kavel 1733

Kavel 1733
Java. 5 Sen from the series of commemorative stamps and definitive issue of 10 cent and 20 cent in pair on a cover from Tegal 28.11.-04 sent registered and by express delivery to Semarang 28.11.04. Attractive mixed issue franking and interesting rate of 55 cent (10 cent letter + 20 registration fee + 25 cent express service)
Inzet: € 100,00

Kavel 1734

Kavel 1734
Java. 10 Cent definitive issue on cover from Solo 26.9.04 to Djakarta showing in red a circular message cachet 'AWAS MATA-MATA MOESOEH!' (= Beware of enemy spies) (vNV.464). Scarce!
Inzet: € 75,00

Kavel 1735

Kavel 1735
Java. 20 Cent definitive issue on Singer Sewing Machines cover (US printing) from Magelang -2.12.0.-3 (vNV.050) to Djakarta, on 6 Dec 1943 received by the company
Inzet: € 75,00

Kavel 1736

Kavel 1736
Java. 2½ Cent Kreisler and 7½ cent Dancer both showing the former country name crossed out with a pen in red ink on a money order Bu.JF21a to transfer 15 roepiah from Tjiparaj -3.8.02 to Madjalengka. Only a few items from Tjiparaj are known with this provisional way of deleting the country name in red. For similar item see: MTC, p.91
Inzet: € 300,00

Kavel 1737

Kavel 1737
Java. 5 Sen from the series of commemorative stamps, 2 copies on a complete money order, type meant for international use, to transfer 10 roepiah from Moentilan 9.6.05 to Djatilawang 11.6.05, with on the reverse several cancellations such as Poerwokerto 16.7.05 (vNV.050, R) and notes. Apparantly the post office of Moentilan did not have inland money order forms available. A most unusual and very rare usage of this international money order!
Inzet: € 200,00

Kavel 1738

Kavel 1738
Java. 20 Cent definitive issue on complete money order Bu.JF23 to transfer 30 roepiah from Tegal 4.4.-05 to Seengkang 20.6.22 (South Celebes) showing on the reverse also Makasser 20.6.30 and a TS postmark of Seengkang (vNV.300). Very scarce item in excellent condition!
Inzet: € 100,00

Kavel 1739

Kavel 1739
Java. Meter Frankings. Franking machine no. 1 from the Oei Tiong Ham Concern of 03½ cent on yellow postcard from Semarang 15.5.4 to Magelang. See: vNV. p.248, 403. Rare!!
Inzet: € 75,00

Kavel 1740

Kavel 1740
Java. Meter Frankings. Franking machine no. 76 from Perseroan Tanggoeng Djiwa "Boemi Poetera" Moelai 2572 (= Compare Life Insurance "Boemi Poetera" since 2572) of 03½ cent on special postcard from Djokjakarta 27.4.4. to Djatiroto. See: vNV. p.248, 403. Rare!!
Inzet: € 75,00

Kavel 1741

Kavel 1741
Sumatra. General. Stamps without overprint on pieces. From the West Coast: Loeboeksikaping 19.5.8 on 5 cent Numeral and Sidjoen-/Djoeng on 10 cent Van Konijnenburg 4.5.42 and 5 cent Kreisler (2x) 11.8.42, from Djambi: Moearatebo 29.2.4 on 1 gulden postage due Kolff printing and from Riouw: Bengkalis 19.7.1 on 5 cent Dancer and Selatpandjang 19.5.18 on 5 cent Numeral
Inzet: € 75,00