Auction 650

11 oktober 2023 14:00 - 14 oktober 2023
Kavels: 2349, Prebid: nee, Live Veiling: ja, Meer...
Als tegels|Als lijst

Kavel 1737

Kavel 1737
Java. 5 Sen from the series of commemorative stamps, 2 copies on a complete money order, type meant for international use, to transfer 10 roepiah from Moentilan 9.6.05 to Djatilawang 11.6.05, with on the reverse several cancellations such as Poerwokerto 16.7.05 (vNV.050, R) and notes. Apparantly the post office of Moentilan did not have inland money order forms available. A most unusual and very rare usage of this international money order!
Inzet: € 200,00

Kavel 1738

Kavel 1738
Java. 20 Cent definitive issue on complete money order Bu.JF23 to transfer 30 roepiah from Tegal 4.4.-05 to Seengkang 20.6.22 (South Celebes) showing on the reverse also Makasser 20.6.30 and a TS postmark of Seengkang (vNV.300). Very scarce item in excellent condition!
Inzet: € 100,00

Kavel 1739

Kavel 1739
Java. Meter Frankings. Franking machine no. 1 from the Oei Tiong Ham Concern of 03½ cent on yellow postcard from Semarang 15.5.4 to Magelang. See: vNV. p.248, 403. Rare!!
Inzet: € 75,00

Kavel 1740

Kavel 1740
Java. Meter Frankings. Franking machine no. 76 from Perseroan Tanggoeng Djiwa "Boemi Poetera" Moelai 2572 (= Compare Life Insurance "Boemi Poetera" since 2572) of 03½ cent on special postcard from Djokjakarta 27.4.4. to Djatiroto. See: vNV. p.248, 403. Rare!!
Inzet: € 75,00

Kavel 1741

Kavel 1741
Sumatra. General. Stamps without overprint on pieces. From the West Coast: Loeboeksikaping 19.5.8 on 5 cent Numeral and Sidjoen-/Djoeng on 10 cent Van Konijnenburg 4.5.42 and 5 cent Kreisler (2x) 11.8.42, from Djambi: Moearatebo 29.2.4 on 1 gulden postage due Kolff printing and from Riouw: Bengkalis 19.7.1 on 5 cent Dancer and Selatpandjang 19.5.18 on 5 cent Numeral
Inzet: € 75,00

Kavel 1742

Kavel 1742
Sumatra. General. Japanese stamps without overprint, mostly on money order pieces from the First and Second Showa Series with cancellations from Atjeh (2), East Coast (2), Tapanoeli (1, 7 sen no. J8 from Siboga, not listed), West Coast (1), Riouw (1), Benkoelen (1), Djambi (1), Palembang (1), Lampong (1) and Billiton (1)
Inzet: € 100,00

Kavel 1743

Kavel 1743
Sumatra. General. Occupation stamps from Malaya, soaked off or on pieces, with cancellations from Atjeh (3), East Coast (3), Tapanoeli (2), West Coast (2) and Palembang (3). Nice selection!
Inzet: € 150,00

Kavel 1744

Kavel 1744
Sumatra. Definitive issue. 10 Cent blue with shifted perforation, very fine unused without gum. Bess. 'There exist unfinished stamps with strong shifts in perforation.' (p. 343), hence no gum
Inzet: € 50,00

Kavel 1745

Kavel 1745
Sumatra. Definitive issue. Imperforated colour proofs in pairs of 1 cent grey-green no. 01pc, 10 cent blue no. 7pca, 10 cent red no. 07pcb (rare!), 10 cent light green no. 07pcc (rare!) and 50 cent olive-brown printed on both sides no. 06pcdb. € 986
Inzet: € 200,00

Kavel 1746

Kavel 1746
Sumatra. Definitive issue. Perforated colour proof of 5 cent orange in mirror image no. 11pbsb. Extremely rare, only two copies known! This stamp is illustrated in the DN catalogue. For image comparison a 3½ cent colour proof no. 04pbc is added. € 1250
Inzet: € 500,00

Kavel 1747

Kavel 1747
Sumatra. Definitive issue. 10 Cent blue with orange hiragana overprint 'mihon' ( = specimen) no. 07d. Only the 10 cent out of the 7 in black overprinted values has also an orange overprint
Inzet: € 50,00

Kavel 1748

Kavel 1748
Sumatra. Definitive issue. 3 Cent colour proofs in olive-green, green-blue and light green with red hiragana overprint 'mihon' (= specimen) nos. 3pdba/b/c
Inzet: € 100,00

Kavel 1749

Kavel 1749
Sumatra. Atjeh. Japanese stamp of 10 sen with violet Atjeh star overprint no. 111v-J10, cancelled Koetaradja 18.8.1.. Wonderful stamp and very rare. € 850+
Inzet: € 600,00

Kavel 1750

Kavel 1750
Sumatra. Atjeh. 1 Cent Kreisler with watermark with black Dai Ni Hon overprint no. 812z-15b as a correct single franking on wrapper from Koetaradja 19.8.7. to Sabang. Scarce single franking!
Inzet: € 100,00

Kavel 1751

Kavel 1751
Sumatra. Atjeh. 3½ Cent Kreisler with violet Atjeh star overprint no. 111v-19a on picture postcard (image of the Medan post office) from Bireuen 17.10.5. to Nishinomiya, Japan
Inzet: € 150,00

Kavel 1752

Kavel 1752
Sumatra. Atjeh. 5 Cent Numeral with coarse violet Atjeh star overprint no. 121v-42, two copies on cover from Koetaradja 18.5.19. to Medan, by the Singer Sewing Machine company received on 22 May 03
Inzet: € 100,00