Auction 653

Aanmelden live bieden Live bieden Live meekijken
9 april 2025 14:00
Kavels: 1635, Prebid: nee, Live Veiling: ja, Meer...
Als tegels|Als lijst

Kavel 2225

Kavel 2225
WORLD, 10 pre-philatelic covers, 8 to france, 2 to Belgium (Mons = Bergen, Southern Netherlands, 1831) showing a nice array of cancellations like route markings such as 'Hollande par Thionville', 'Espagne par Perpignon', 'Frankrijk over Bergen', and handwritten or cancelled postage, other markings like P.P. and P.P.P.P.
Inzet: € 75,00

Kavel 2226

Kavel 2226
WORLD, 15 postal entires ca. 1890-1925 with registration labels etc. added on the item in the country of destination, mostly Belgium and Germany
Inzet: € 100,00