GREENLAND, 1930-2023, */** in 3 Davo albums including Mi. 8/16**, 17/25*, 28/36**, blocks, m/s, booklets etc. etc. also 10 Polar Bears 1930-1938.
Meer...Inzet: € 300,00

FINLAND, 1860-1974, o/*/** in Schaubek album with some better numbers f.i.: Mi. 34, 161, etc.. Overall nice quality and well-filled.
Meer...Inzet: € 100,00

FRANCE, 1849-1937, o/*/** single volume collection with several good numbers and sets in overall good quality including a.o.: Yv. 6B(cert), 9, 148/55, 182, 188A, 207/08, 257A, and Air 3/4 on cover!, 6d**, 14/15, Taxe 7/8, 23/24, 25/27, Bl. 1/3, sheet 25b etc. etc.. Beautiful lot with a very high cat. value!
Meer...Inzet: € 3.000,00

FRANCE, 1849-1970, o/*/**, nice collection in 2 Davo albums with a lot of better stamps f.i. Yv. 1, 2, 5, 6, 6b (attest Goebel), 18, 33, 148/55, 182, 188A**, 241/42, 257A, 261/62, Air 1/2, 6c, 6c reversed, 14/15, Bl.1/3, some Colis Postaux and precancels, 'Polar Bear'-block**, good Postage Due with 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 22, 23, 25/27 etc.. Many colour- and other varieties, etc.. High cat. value!
Meer...Inzet: € 2.000,00

FRANCE, 1849-1980, o/*/** in 2 Behrens albums with a nice classic part (some mixed quality), further Yv. 148/54, Bl.2/3, 257A, Air 1/2, 14/15. good section Postage Due with 8/9, 26/27 etc. From 1949 onwards more often MNH. Very high cat. value.
Meer...Inzet: € 1.000,00

FRANCE, 1849-1988, o/*/** in 2 Davo albums with a lot of better stamps like Yv. 1/2, 169, 232, 252, 269, 348/51 on cover, and AIR 1/2, 14, 15 etc.. In the beginning mostly used, later MH/MNH, overall in nice quality and a high cat. value!
Meer...Inzet: € 500,00

FRANCE, 1900-1965, */** Stock in 3 albums containing several good pre-war singles and sets and in the period 1940-1965 several sets in small quantities and f.i. in blocks of 4. The lot is very well depicted on our website!
Meer...Inzet: € 300,00

FRANCE, 1938-2007, unmounted mint, nearly complete collection with Airmail and booklets (incl. 1952/57) and all the better sets f.i.: Yv 388/94, A24/29 and A30/33 in 4 thick stockbooks.
Meer...Inzet: € 300,00

FRENCH COLONIES, 1859-1944, o/(*)/*/** collection in 2 stockbooks with several good numbers and sets, General Issues etc., including a.o.: Alexandrette Yv. 13/17, Dahomey 18/32, Guadeloupe 6/9, 40/44, 51, 53, Indochina 35/48, 49/62, Ivory Coast 1/13, CP1/2, 7, 11, Martinique 5, 18, 44/51, Mauritania 1/16, New Caledonia 2, 24/34, 59/64, Port Said 1/18, 19 (signed Brun), 36/45, 61/65, Tahiti 22 (signed Richter), Taxe 6 (signed Bolaffi), Taxe 21 (signed Richter) and several more. Nice collection with an enormous cat. value!
Meer...Inzet: € 1.500,00

SENEGAL, 1887- , o/* in 1 stockbook with better numbers and sets i.e. Yv. 1* (signed), 26/29, 30/46, Postage Due1/3, 4/11 and Senegambie and Niger 1/13.
Meer...Inzet: € 150,00

ST. PIERRE & MIQUELON, o/* in 1 stockbook with better numbers and sets i.e. Yv. 5/7, 10 (signed), 30, 59/71, 118/28, some Postage Due etc..
Meer...Inzet: € 150,00

OLD GERMAN STATES o/(*)/*/**, extensive collection in a little mixed condition, as to be expected, in 2 Lindner albums, often used as well as unused collected, with many colour or other varieties and with a lot of better numbers, f.i. Baden 1(*), 21(higher signed), Bavaria 1, 6, 12/13, Bremen 8(*), Lübeck 4 (Befund Brettl), Oldenburg 2(*), 8, 12, Saxony 2, 12/13, Schl.-Holstein 1/2, and a nice section Württemberg. Enormous catalogue value and a modest starting price!
Meer...Inzet: € 2.000,00

GERMAN EMPIRE, 1872-1944, o/*/** in Schaubek album in good quality with a nice section "Brustschilde", 1/8, 14/15, 27, 29/30, further 344/50, 378/84, all "Zeppelin" sets, 499/507, Bl. 1 and 2 (format reduced). Very high cat. value!
Meer...Inzet: € 1.000,00

GERMAN EMPIRE, 1939-1945, specialized, extensive collection, used in Poland in 3 albums with covers, postal stationery and on piece including better cancellations and covers. Interesting lot for the specialist!
Meer...Inzet: € 200,00

GERMANY, MEMEL AND FRENCH ZONE, 1920-1949, o/* on albumpages with some better like Baden Mi. 28/37 and 42/45 with cert. 'Schlegel', Württemberg 28/37 and a nice section Memel.
Meer...Inzet: € 100,00

GERMANY, MEMEL AND SAAR, selection of better stamps, mostly with signs f.i. Memel 40Iy, 40II (Erdwien), 79II (Petersen BPP), 139K. Saar 10yI, 16I, 144/50** (Ney), 161/67 (Scheller). Also some colonies and divers.
Meer...Inzet: € 500,00