Auction 653

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9 april 2025 14:00
Kavels: 1635, Prebid: nee, Live Veiling: ja, Meer...
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Kavel 84

Kavel 84
NEDERLAND, 2002-2019, €1295,- frankeergeldig materiaal w.o. verzameling Mooi Nederland en 16 zilveren zegels.
Inzet: € 300,00

Kavel 85

Kavel 85
REVENUE AND FISCAL, small lot in 2 small and 1 medium stockbook with mainly Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands and "Notgeld".
Inzet: € 75,00

Kavel 86

Kavel 86
NEDERLAND 1924-1998, Hoofdzakelijk postfrisse kinderpostzegel verzameling in 2 Importa speciaal albums.
Inzet: € 100,00

Kavel 87

Kavel 87
TOPICS, SPACE 1921-2019, mint collection on selfmade pages in 2 Lighthouse albums and 1 stock book including blocks, imperforated, m/s and s/s, self adhesives etc etc.
Inzet: € 150,00

Kavel 88

Kavel 88
INDONESIA 1946-2009, */** in 3 Davo albums with several better numbers, blocks, m/s, booklets, imperforated, colour- and perforation varieties, inverted overprints etc. For a good impression visit our website where the lot is well depicted
Inzet: € 300,00

Kavel 89

Kavel 89
GERMANY, 1860-1949, o/*/** with old German States, Empire, P.O. abroad and occupatiom with several better numbers and sets despite the somewhat mixed quality. Including a.o.: Empire 16, 258/60, 425/29, several perf varieties and types, Occupation with Albania 1/14, Serbia 1/15 etc. etc.. Nice lot with the sets often mint and used.
Inzet: € 300,00

Kavel 90

Kavel 90
U.S.A. 1945-2001, o/*/** in 3 albums and 2 stock books with blocks, m/s, booklets, self adhesives etc. the total amount of face value is well over $2000,-
Inzet: € 300,00

Kavel 91

Kavel 91
NEDERLAND 1950-2010, Verzameling Eerstedag enveloppen vanaf E4 in 5 Davo albumsbij enkele ex. helaas iets oxidatie doch diverse aardige nummers aanwezig.
Inzet: € 200,00

Kavel 92

Kavel 92
AIRMAIL, extensive collection in 16 albums starting around 1928 up to 2015 with several better items, Balloon-mail, Rocket-mail, First Flights etc. etc.. Take your time for viewing. The lot is well depicted on our website.
Inzet: € 300,00

Kavel 93

Kavel 93
SWITZERLAND, o/** collection in 3 stockbooks up to 2017 with Blocks, M/S, and self adhesives containing CHF 1417,- Face value and 3 albums with First Day Covers.
Inzet: € 300,00

Kavel 94

Kavel 94
NEDERLAND, verzameling PTT mapjes 249-484 in 8 Davo bandjes met een totale frankeergeldige waarde van €1360,-
Inzet: € 300,00

Kavel 95

Kavel 95
FRANCE 1849-1874, extensive specialized collection of the "Ceres" and "Napoleon III" issues with a lot of covers, stamps on letter piece, single stamps with several better items, cancellation varieties, colour varieties, etc., etc., despite the mixed quality a very interesting lot !
Inzet: € 500,00

Kavel 96

Kavel 96
NEDERLAND, 1852-2010, enorme o/*/** voorraad w.b. vaak op tanding en tot 10x aanwezig, alsmede 1/6, 29(7), 47(2), 48, 49(5), 80, 98/101, 104(2), 105, 130/31, Pzb, Roltanding, Port en FDC's tussen E7-E88 en Luchtpostbrieven. Totaal in 11 insteekboeken, 4 mappen en bakje met insteekkaarten in 2 verhuisdozen. Ideale partij voor plaatfouten/stempel verzamelaar.
Inzet: € 500,00

Kavel 97

Kavel 97
EUROPE, o/*/** accumulation in 9 albums and 41 stockbooks with better material from: Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary etc. Interesting lot covering most of the continent. The total in 2 moving boxes
Inzet: € 200,00

Kavel 98

Kavel 98
INDONESIA 1949-1981, o/*/** in 2 Davo albums with some better numbers, Postage due ,Riau and Irian Barat
Inzet: € 100,00

Kavel 99

Kavel 99
NEDERLAND, 1976-1989 postfrisse vellen/veldelen in 3 mappen cat. waarde bedraagt €14.270,-. Zie bijgevoegde overzichten.
Inzet: € 100,00