Auction 653

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9 april 2025 14:00
Kavels: 1635, Prebid: nee, Live Veiling: ja, Meer...
Als tegels|Als lijst

Kavel 33

Kavel 33
FRANCE, 1849-2010, mainly used collection in 6 Safe albums with a nice section Ceres and Napoleon and several other good numbers i.e.: Yv 153*, 162/69, 182, 229/32, 252, 256, 257A*, 266/68, 269, 321, good Back of the Book with Airmail, B1, B3, B5, Precancel 47* etc.. Up to 2010 including blocks, M/S, S/S and booklets. Nice collection in overall decent quality. Please visit our website for extra images.
Inzet: € 750,00

Kavel 34

Kavel 34
BRITISH COMMENWEALTH, Oceania, Nauru, Samoa, Pitcairn, Vanuatu, Kiribati, Gilbert, MNH mostly modern material till 2019 in 2 albums, 2 thick stockbooks and on stock cards, many topics, Enormous cat. value!
Inzet: € 200,00

Kavel 35

Kavel 35
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH, o/* accumulation in 6 stockbooks, 2 albums and on pages/cards with several better numbers, sets and varieties. From the classic up to the late 90's/early 2000's. Interesting lot which should be viewed carefully.
Inzet: € 300,00

Kavel 36

Kavel 36
CHANNEL ISLANDS 1941-2009, Extensive unmounted mint collection Including German Occupation, Paper-, gum- and perforation varieties, booklets, blocks, m/s and s/s. very high catalogue value
Inzet: € 300,00

Kavel 37

Kavel 37
O.G.D. 1864-1990,o/*/** in 5 albums en 6 insteekboeken zonder de top-nummers, maar alsnog diverse aardige nummers aanwezig alsmede iets typen en tandingen, afstempelingen en hier en daar wat variëteiten. Voor een goede indruk verwijzen we u door naar onze website.
Inzet: € 100,00

Kavel 38

Kavel 38
HUNGARY 1871-1968,o/*/** collection in 1 Schaubek album with better numbers and sets i.e.: Mi.54/70, 128/44, 145/61, 471/72, several blocks and good thematic material.
Inzet: € 100,00

Kavel 39

Kavel 39
FAROE ISLANDS 1979-2014, unmounted mint collection in 2 albums including the blocks, m/s and booklets
Inzet: € 100,00

Kavel 40

Kavel 40
SOUTH WEST AFRIKA, 1940-2009, in 1 Davo album and 1 Davo album with Homelands. All unmounted mint including good thematic material.
Inzet: € 100,00

Kavel 41

Kavel 41
OLD GERMAN STATES, BAYERN, 1849-1920, o/*/** in 2 stockbooks and stockcards. With colour- and perf.- varieties, cancellations, some perfins, etc. etc.. For images please visit our website to get a good impression.
Inzet: € 100,00

Kavel 42

Kavel 42
POSTHISTORIE, NEDERLAND, ruim 87 gebruikte en ongebruikte spoorwegbriefkaarten.
Inzet: € 50,00

Kavel 43

Kavel 43
NEDERLAND. Complete rol van 500 stuks 2½ cent nr. 379 + 500 stuks 7½ cent nr. 381 in originele wikkel met datumstempel 5 FEB. 1942
Inzet: € 75,00

Kavel 44

Kavel 44
NEDERLAND, Doosje met 160 moderne Eerstedagenveloppen ( tussen E719 en E880)
Inzet: € 100,00

Kavel 45

Kavel 45
INDIA 1860-1952, */** on stockpages with several good numbers and sets, colour- and ovpt.-varieties including a.o.: SG. 84/101, 107/09, 119/39, 192 A and B, 308(2), 309/24 and a nice section of Officials.
Inzet: € 200,00

Kavel 46

Kavel 46
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH IN ASIA, 1863-1984, o/(*)/* on selfmade pages with usefull numbers and sets from a.o.: Burma, Ceylon, HongKong, India etc.. For images please visit our website.
Inzet: € 100,00

Kavel 47

Kavel 47
BRITISH COLONIES IN OCEANIA, o/* several small collections wirh some better numbers from a.o.: Cook Island, Fiji, Nauru, Samoa, Tonga etc. etc.. The lot is well depicted on our website.
Inzet: € 100,00

Kavel 48

Kavel 48
EUROPE, World War I, 110 covers and cards including P.O.W. and censored with better covers from Russia, Germany and the Netherlands. Interesting lot!
Inzet: € 150,00