EUROPE, o/*/** accumulation in 9 albums and 41 stockbooks with better material from: Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary etc. Interesting lot covering most of the continent. The total in 2 moving boxes
Meer...Inzet: € 200,00

INDONESIA 1949-1981, o/*/** in 2 Davo albums with some better numbers, Postage due ,Riau and Irian Barat
Meer...Inzet: € 100,00

NEDERLAND, 1976-1989 postfrisse vellen/veldelen in 3 mappen cat. waarde bedraagt €14.270,-. Zie bijgevoegde overzichten.
Meer...Inzet: € 100,00

WORLD, mainly used stamps including some British Commonwealth, China, Netherlands, Topics, some nice postmarks, in 7 albums/stock books and on stock cards
Meer...Inzet: € 50,00

BRITISH COMMONWEALTH IN AFRICA, o/*/** in 3 stockbooks with several better numbers, sets, ranges and varieties including a.o.: Basutoland SG. 12F, 18/28, Bechuanaland 118/28, Gambia 5/6, Lagos 14a, Oil Rivers 1/6, Nigeria 15/29, 38a, South Africa and SWA.
Meer...Inzet: € 200,00

ARABIC COUNTRIES, Mainly unmounted mint in 4 albums and 1 stockbook with a.o.: Egypt, Kuwait, Libanon, Oil States and Saudi Arabia including better numbers and sets, Imperforated, gutter pairs (Sharjah 195/202B 2x), blocks, miniature sheets, good thematic material enz. Please visit our website for images
Meer...Inzet: € 200,00

GREAT BRITAIN and COMMONWEALTH 1840-1996, o/*/** in 1 album and 15 stockbooks with some better numbers and sets, good thematic material etc.
Meer...Inzet: € 200,00

BELGIE 1849-1981, o/*/** in 5 albums en 3 insteekboeken waarbij aardige nummers, b.o.b., en iets Erinofilie alsmede een sigarenkistje met daarin postfris materiaal.
Meer...Inzet: € 100,00

NEDERLAND EN O.G.D., 1852-2002, o/*/** in 12 albums/insteekboeken, 3 doosjes w.b. nog aardige nummers zoals 130, 346/49, LP13, €130,- frankeergeldig, Nederlands-Indië en Indonesia waarbij iets Japanse bezetting, RIS en RIAU enz.. Leuke partij met zeer aardig materiaal. Totaal in 2 dozen.
Meer...Inzet: € 200,00

GERMANY, 1855-1945, o/*/** in 5 albums, 15 stockbooks and on stockpages with a nice section Old German States, German Empire with several better numbers, colour- and perf.- varieties, cancellations, Occupation etc.. Despite the mixed quality interesting lot with a high cat. value.
Meer...Inzet: € 300,00

NEDERLAND, 1956-2008, o/*/** in 18 goed gevulde insteekboeken w.b. doubletten, combinaties uit velletjes en Pzb, Port Betaald en rolzegels, alsmede €750,- frankeergeldig in totaal 2 dozen.
Meer...Inzet: € 300,00

NEDERLAND 1965-2002, postfrisse verzameling in 4 Davo albums met postzegelboekjes, combinaties, en € 235 aan frankeergeldig materiaal. Tevens 4 Davo albums met Aruba, Nederlandse Antillen en Suriname.
Meer...Inzet: € 100,00

NEDERLAND, Prestigeboekjes, Themaboeken en PTT mapjes met in totaal €1275 frankeergeldig materiaal.
Meer...Inzet: € 300,00

WORLD, o/** in 8 albums and 5 stockbooks with China 1989-2016, Russia up to 2010, Hungary, Romania etc. etc.. For a good impression you can visit our website for images.
Meer...Inzet: € 100,00

REMNANTS OF A LIFETIME COLLECTING, o/*/** accumulation in 7 albums, 9 stockbooks an on pages with several good numbers and sets from a.o. Andorra, Belgium, Bermuda incl. SG.54cf, 118, 120/21, France incl. block 3, Luxemburg, etc.etc. Take your time for viewing!
Meer...Inzet: € 200,00

INDONESIA 1949-2000,*/** collection with some better material in overall decent quality.
Meer...Inzet: € 100,00